AbleChild Required to Take a Stand to Defeat “Proposition 4” in Florida General Election – IOTW Report

AbleChild Required to Take a Stand to Defeat “Proposition 4” in Florida General Election


When AbleChild helped pass the first law of its kind on informed consent and psychiatric drugs, “the prohibition on mandatory medication” that is attached to the Individuals with Disability Act (IDEA), just talking about the wrongful and dangerous use of psychiatric drugs on children was taboo. But the issue crossed all political lines and became what AbleChild considered a human rights violation. Today, a piece of legislation is making its way through the Florida legislature that AbleChild feels compelled to speak about – Amendment 4 “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.”

AbleChild has a history of standing up for issues of Informed Consent. The organization worked with a Democrat Governor, House, and Senate in Connecticut to pass a measure that would get the 1-800 MEDWATCH number placed on all prescription drugs so that consumers would have the ability to report side effects to the only “consumer driven” program that monitors drug safety.  AbleChild strongly believes in open conversations, where no issues are off the table, even those that are not supported by lawmakers.

AbleChild long has been told its efforts were wasted, that Connecticut would never support legislation regarding informed consent. Those naysayers were wrong. Informed Consent is part of AbleChild’s mission statement, and it will never back away from any fight to provide informed consent to those most in need who cannot fight for themselves.

Right now, in Florida, AbleChild is happy to stand up for Informed Consent. The proposed action, “Amendment 4,” to the State Constitution in Florida would allow healthcare practitioners, including school psychologists, speech and language pathologists, and even dental hygienists to recommend abortion for your child without parental consent. In essence, this legislative amendment would take away a parent’s right to informed consent as it pertains to their child’s healthcare. AbleChild stands strongly against any limitation on informed consent, especially any that would put a child in harm’s way. MORE

2 Comments on AbleChild Required to Take a Stand to Defeat “Proposition 4” in Florida General Election

  1. Any “law” that allows healthcare practitioners, school psychologists, speech, language pathologists or dental hygienists or anybody for that matter to recommend an abortion for your child without your consent is simply taking the position that YOUR child is THEIRS… and that’s whutcha call Communism!
    Oh… and if you allow it, they’ll gladly own you too!!

  2. Like every other liberal organization that stands behind a euphemism to fool and deceive a gullible and misinformed public AbleChild should really be named DisabledChild. Because that’s the effect their liberal policies have on the general public. Their name is the total of and exact opposite what the name AbleChild implies. Use your brains people and don’t trust any leftist organization no matter how good that their intentions may be. It is truly said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and this organization is just another example of misrepresentation disguised as good when it’s intentions really are evil. My life and the lives of my children and grandchildren and everyone else’s for that matter does not belong to the state.


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