Abolishing ICE Looks Likely To Become 2020 Campaign Issue For Democrats – IOTW Report

Abolishing ICE Looks Likely To Become 2020 Campaign Issue For Democrats


DC: Left-wing pundits and activists are increasing pressure on Democratic politicians to embrace the fringe position of abolishing ICE.

Once an idea limited to the far-left fringes, abolishing the nation’s immigration enforcement agency now looks likely to become a campaign issue in the Democrats’ 2020 presidential primary.

Former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon came out for abolishing the agency in January. “ICE operates as an unaccountable deportation force,” Fallon argued. “Dems running in 2020 should campaign on ending the agency in its current form.”

“Should ICE exist?” MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris on Thursday. Harris’s answer — “certainly” ICE should exist — sparked a backlash among some liberals.

Liberal writer Jack Mirkinson on Friday slammed Harris for her answer in an article titled, “Not Good Enough, Kamala Harris.”


19 Comments on Abolishing ICE Looks Likely To Become 2020 Campaign Issue For Democrats

  1. Why stop there?? lets plant the seed for demorats to call for the abolishing of the US Military as well. “That imperialist, white male controlled force that kills brown and black people around the world for Halliburton and Dyncorp…” I love it.

  2. Lady in Red, there’s also the DOE(energy) and FBI, which could be replaced with the US Marshal Service. We could downsize a lot, and start living within our means.

  3. I think we should all encourage the Jackass party to push for these abolitions–ICE, guns of any kind, as well as gender inclusion and the ever popular Medicaid for everyone!
    To borrow from LBJ, if they do this, they’ll have the middle class voting GOP for the next 200 years.

  4. We could do WITHOUT the BATmen, more than ICE. 🙄

    In fact, cannibalize the Bureau of smokes & booze, and turn THEM into ICE agents. Let ’em man the border, man the catapults, man the shovels & build the wall – give ’em SOMETHING USEFUL to do!

  5. Fellas, go right ahead. Make it the second plank in your platform (right after f*ck God). You’ll bring out the remaining reluctant voters to get rid of you all for forever.

  6. Funding.
    The new Congress coming up could decide to not allocate funding for ICE.
    I don’t believe any of us want to hear Pelosi cackle that elections have consequences.

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