Abortion Activists Vandalize Cross Display to Memorialize Babies Killed in Abortions – IOTW Report

Abortion Activists Vandalize Cross Display to Memorialize Babies Killed in Abortions

anti abortion memorial crosses vandelized

LifeNews: Canada over the years has proven itself to be a nation quite intolerant to the pro-life perspective on abortion. That has typically manifested itself on college or university campuses – where pro-life student groups have had their displays shut down or been turned down to become an official campus-recognized student group.

Now, in Chatham, Ontario, abortion activists have vandalized a pro-life display featuring crosses meant to memorialize unborn babies who have been killed in abortions.each cross represents 100 babies who lost their lives to abortion in Canada, and 1,000 crosses from the display were vandalized.  more here

8 Comments on Abortion Activists Vandalize Cross Display to Memorialize Babies Killed in Abortions

  1. Pro-life groups “have been turned down to become an official campus-recognized student group”. This is part of the dilema. Who wants to be recognized as an “official group” by a corrupt system? That’s like getting an endorsement from Satan. Organize on your own. The same can be said for any conservative group with a cause. Carry the concept further into economics. Why not have an alternative system that just ignores the current matrix of evil? (PS: You have a right to self-protection.)

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