Abortion Teacher Tells repulsive Work Story; Gets Laughter And Applause – IOTW Report

Abortion Teacher Tells repulsive Work Story; Gets Laughter And Applause

(CNSNews.com) — Repeating the comments of an abortionist who expressed “revulsion” at doing second-trimester abortions, Dr. Uta Landy, Ph.D. relayed that the abortionist said, “An eyeball just fell down into my lap, and that is gross!”

At that point in Landy’s story, the abortionists and attendees at the annual meeting (April 7, 2014) of the National Abortion Federation laughed and then eventually applauded.

Landy said at the event, “But someone started to talk about her feelings about doing second-trimester abortions, and just spontaneously went into this very, very intense dimension of our work. Uh, of — the feelings of revulsion, etcetera. And I think I’ve decided, unprepared as I am, to read some of those comments to you.”

Landy continued, “Another: ‘An eyeball just fell down into my lap, and that is gross! [Laughter.] But I am saying to myself, ‘This abortion is going well, and it’s going safely.’” [Laughter and applause].

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12 Comments on Abortion Teacher Tells repulsive Work Story; Gets Laughter And Applause

  1. Oh Lord, let these murderers of children experience that ‘reverential fear of God’ this day , I pray for your righteous judgment, if not in this life, the next.
    Thank you Lord for the lives of the little ones who are at your side. Amen.

  2. Thank you Bush 41 for allowing Darpanet to be used for public purposes. This is the only way that information like this can be disseminated to the public at large. In the good old days, the media would cover this up for their agenda!

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