About Iran and our Navy – IOTW Report

About Iran and our Navy

AllenBWest: There are so many moving pieces surrounding this Riverine Assault boat seizure incident and the capture of 10 U.S. sailors. The pictures of our sailors on their knees, hands over their heads, is being displayed all over the world, and paraded about by our enemies.


This is an utterly embarrassing moment and is not in keeping with the great traditions of John Paul Jones and Stephen Decatur. But I thought it important to take the time to provide an analysis of what we do know. more

14 Comments on About Iran and our Navy

  1. Once upon a time when the second worst president ever, Jimmy Carter was in office, Iran was constantly acting out.

    Fast forward to the election of President Reagan, the banner headline in the January 21, 1981 NY Times was “Reagan Takes Oath as 40th President; Promises an ‘Era of National Renewal’.

    Minutes Later, 52 U.S. Hostages In Iran Fly to Freedom After 444-Day Ordeal.

  2. Early on I read reports that Kerry asked Iran to intercept the boats rather than risk an incident by bringing our forces in to retrieve them.
    That would explain why the captain and crew acted as they did. They were told they were being rescued by the Iran navy.
    The only thing that doesn’t make sense is how they ended up where they did as usually that kind of asset is usually kept near the shoreline.

  3. Spook operation.
    Too much is too hinky about the whole mess.

    Engine trouble.
    Communications trouble.
    “I give up!”

    Career-ending surrender and apology?

    It stinks to high heaven.

  4. A real leader would have flattened a couple of Iranian goverment buildings, and sunk the Iranian ships that captured our guys. Then demanded immediate release of our guys and equipment. Plus an apology from the Iranians or else more flattened buildings.

    One should remember that Obama turned his back on the Iranian citizens that rebelled againsts their government in his first term. No material support. Not even a single word of encouragement. It was clear which class of Iranian citizens Vallarie supported.

    In contrast when the Poles rebelled against the Pollish government Reagan encouraged them with words and equipment that helped the rebels organize, communicate, and build the momentum of their rebellion.

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