About Those 0bamaPhones… – IOTW Report

About Those 0bamaPhones…

Tore Says:

When the government gives out something for free, the COMMODITY is YOU.

The documentary SHADOWGATE explained WHAT OBAMA PHONES were. They are data collection devices disguised as free phones. The “benevolent” United Nations keeps reminding us,” poverty as a “vicious circle,” made up of a wide range of factors.” In addition, Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft and Bill Gates’ BFF, has said coercion is an epidemic among those of economic hardship, natural disasters, and or minorities. This is true because of the emotional vulnerability and social issues and not having the financial support to protect themselves. In fact, those very people were found in an EMAIL on HUNTER BIDEN’S LAPTOP discussing DATA COLLECTION through the “FREE PHONES.”

Sounds very heartfelt, these decades-long public displays of understanding and embracing those in poverty. The United Nations and both co-founders of Microsoft and the Obama – Biden administration, including and not limited to every single insanely rich Democrat that sings the same tune, “help” these people by giving them “FREE” medicine and free phones!

In Africa, where not having power or running water is common, giving away FREE CELL PHONES was a priority for CONTACT TRACING. Many people had never heard of that term until Governor Doug Burgum, who is also a Bill Gates partner in Microsft, miraculously had an app to contact trace. How? His company had created a TRACING app for NDSU Bison Fans. These fans had no idea that it was TRACKING them all year and provided data on how they move, spend, and where they go. more here

17 Comments on About Those 0bamaPhones…

  1. Anyone taking anything for free including Gmail/email or buying any of the Amazon / Google Alexa units, door bell security / ring, thermostats or any other smart items are signing up to be spied on and in the small print you give up your rights and sign over control to what those items capture and what they can do. And a lot of Texans are about to find that out this summer as ERCOT is now going to throttle your smart thermometer you thought was so cool when you signed up for the program via your electric supplier to save a few dollars.

  2. Just assume you’re being observed in some way if you have any type of cellphone. I’m not saying that’s appropriate, just the way it is. If you want to be totally “off the grid” the first thing you have to do is lose the cellphone. Me? I’m keeping mine for the convenience but with the knowledge of what they can see.

  3. Company I work for has a whole suite of applications that they require us to install on our own phones. They tell us that they can’t access the rest of our phone because of a “partition”. I installed the first application, and it right away tried to turn on Locations and my camera. After that, I stopped. When my boss told me I needed to install the rest, I offered my resignation.

  4. efemdy JUNE 16, 2021 AT 10:21 AM
    And how are the obama phones different from the one you have?

    The actual phones are junk. A few years ago, when 0 was in the WH, I happened to do installation of a computer for an elderly woman. I needed to use her info to finish the installation, requiring her phone number. So, I got to use one of those 0phones. They are crap – I guess they’re only good for tracking somebody – not for any actual “smartphone” type of usage.

  5. I have a friend that’s very sensitive on this issue

    Every time we either talk or text more than a minute, I interrupt in a very loud voice or Capital letters :

    F**K YOU NSA !!

    We may now resume our regular program

  6. One of my favorite episodes of the late, great El Rushbo’s show was when he played the clip of the 2 women from Detroit who were asked by a reporter why they loved jug ears so much. I’m paraphrasing here, but the gist of it was that Romney sucks(agreed) & Obama was going to give them free phones & money. When the reporter asked them where Obama was going to get these things, they both said at the same time, “from his stash”. Says it all.


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