About Those Free COVID-19 Tests Joe Biden Sent You – IOTW Report

About Those Free COVID-19 Tests Joe Biden Sent You


The Biden administration decided to send all Americans free COVID-19 tests to address the omicron surge. So far, the ordered tests are getting delivered unless you live in an apartment. As our editor Paula Boylard noted, those living in colder parts of the country may also have their tests left out in the cold. The COVID tests are not supposed to be stored in temperatures under 36° F. Fox’s Bill Hemmer received the four tests he ordered and noted another odd feature. According to Fox News:

Hemmer, co-host of “America’s Newsroom,” praised the federal government and the United States Postal Service (USPS) for getting the tests out quickly after he and many other Americans put in the request last week for free tests. But he noted when he turned the test package over the “fine print” revealed the tests were manufactured in China.

“I got mine yesterday,” Hemmer said, holding up the orange kit. “All four of them came. Congrats U.S. government. U.S. Postal Service did a great job. Got my four tests. And on the back of the fine print, Dana, it is made in China.”


25 Comments on About Those Free COVID-19 Tests Joe Biden Sent You

  1. It’s not about supplying us with anything that actually does what it’s supposed to it’s all about their buddies making TONS of money with a side of virtue-signaling goodness.

  2. Made in China? Stick these swabs up your nose to insert the virus.

    Let’s all forward them to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC with a note to Joe to stick these swabs and the rest of his Chinese business dealings up his arse.

  3. So you have to order them?


    I don’t need no stinkin’ test kits from Wuhan China. Sounds too much like the old shakedown game of ensuring “protection” by paying A bully not to damage you or your property.

  4. There is absolutely no good reason to be taking “Covid tests”.

    If you’re sick (with anything) you know it. If you’re not sick, you’re not contagious.

    Can we please end this utter stupidity.

  5. Same with the insistence to wear the china standard KN-95 masks over the American standard N-95.

    Haven’t received my tests yet, it was -11F here yesterday, today 25F. Usually the mail sits in the box for several hours before I get off my lazy ass.

    What does it matter? I wouldn’t believe the test result anyhow.

  6. I’m not interested in being added to a Xiden CCP administration’s data base for any reason on purpose. Ordering possibly Wuhan virus spiked Covid “tests” made in China is just stupid and clueless.

  7. Fact is there is NO “test” for omicron and neither are there any samples gathered of the thing. All fake bogus shhhyyt which is produced by the chyneeze commies to give a false-positive reading which in turn will make more zombies via some tox vax/booster. Keep in mind that both Biden and Fauci are career criminals and liars, with Fauci currently being brought up on charges in the International Criminal Court for violating the Nuremberg Code and of which 16 other people are named. Joe Biden, Hochul, Bush, de Blasio, Cuomo, Newsom, Whitmer, Trudeau, Waters,et al should rightfully be among those defendants.

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