About those toilets Ocasio-Cortez was ‘crying’ about… – IOTW Report

About those toilets Ocasio-Cortez was ‘crying’ about…

19 Comments on About those toilets Ocasio-Cortez was ‘crying’ about…

  1. Did you ever notice every firecracker has a warning that it shoots flaming balls?

    Yeah, that’s how important Another Open Cunt is to me.

    So far I’ve resisted lighting my balls on fire to see if it works.

  2. AOC’s behavior of a adolescent teen with her rebellious and hormonally charged irrationality is a handy tool used by her handlers to disrupt any correction to the course of government.
    If they can’t have it their way just throw tantrums.

  3. She’s been the guest star on several late night “comedy” shows this week alone to spout her fact free nonsense unchallenged.

    Or, was it to yell fire in a crowded detention center?

  4. Getting her to understand common sense and logic is like trying to get your dog to understand a magic trick. Besides, she’s too busy pushing an agenda and being outrageous and inflammatory about it to let facts get in the way!

  5. Seeing as how violent the left is, I’m surprised that they didn’t know what the device looked like and how it functioned. I am quite sure a number of them, and AOC included have spent a night or two in the county lockup. I have spent more time than I care to admit and know exactly what they are and their purpose.


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