Accept Deadly Blackouts to Fight ‘Climate Change’, Says Paper – IOTW Report

Accept Deadly Blackouts to Fight ‘Climate Change’, Says Paper

National Pulse-

The Los Angeles Times says that blackouts have to increase in order to combat climate change, while stunningly acknowledging the policy may cost people’s lives. The newspaper has asked its dwindling audience to consider “a larger conversation” in which people become more accustomed to changing their expectations, including the idea of living without electricity for large parts of their lives so as to prevent “climate catastrophe.”

Author Sammy Roth presents the false dichotomy in his article: “What’s more important: Keeping the lights on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or solving the climate crisis?” more

30 Comments on Accept Deadly Blackouts to Fight ‘Climate Change’, Says Paper

  1. I don’t think that there were ancient weather reporters back then to report on the weather. So, like everything else that the left says it’s all made up lies and bullshit as usual. What else is new! Most of us have figured out their bs now, they even have a worse track record than all the wackos predicting the Rapture and they have been 100% wrong every time.

  2. “…blackouts have to increase in order to combat climate change, while stunningly acknowledging the policy may cost people’s lives.”

    We had to kill the people in order to save them.

  3. FTA: Instead, the conversation must be orientated towards adding “solar panels, wind turbines and **all kinds of energy storage** to the grid as fast as possible.”
    Assuming the use of current technology, there is no type of storage that can provide adequate baseload energy to the grid, nevermind peak loads. Such storage installations would be massive in both land area requirements and cost—and no one is even seriously talking about building them for those reasons.

  4. One little fact the climate cult never seems to acknowledge is we are currently in an ice age. When the ice receded to where it is now, all that melting took place long before any man made carbon spewing industry, and from what I know, ice has been pretty stable at the poles for hundreds of years, all throughout advancements in industry. Little to no change in our current ice age suggests anything even remotely close to a “climate catastrophe.”

    We’ve been blessed with a comfortable climate, our population is thriving, our food grows in abundance, our technological advancements keep us sheltered from the occasional extreme events with the power on.. leave it to stupid whackjob progressives to suggest otherwise.

  5. “… and no one is even seriously talking about building them for those reasons.”

    Those in power are perfectly aware of the Bullshittery of Globaloney Warming.

    Globaloney Warming is a HOAX.
    You can’t fix a hoax – it’s a HOAX – ALL BULLSHIT, ALL THE TIME.

    The point is to activate the ignorant, the easily confused, and the party zealots to participate in destroying civilization – and later, themselves.
    Nothing more; nothing less.

    Anyone who can’t see through the bullshit is a complete moron – an idiot – or an imbecile.
    The simple fact that the maggots pushing the hoax don’t cut back on their consumption should be a glaring indictment of their hypocrisy and a testament to the Globaloney Warming Hoax’s falsity.

    Sadly, common sense isn’t common any more.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. This scientist in NZ or Oz said when the entire world locked down over covid and oil use plummeted, CO2 continued to rise. “Man has no control….” and “CO2 is good for the planet.”
    End the SCAM!

  7. Let them eat cake. In the dark. With their hands. The guillotine is an incredibly effective and more importantly carbon neutral tool (buy some offsets for the metal parts) for executing large numbers of people quickly. I think we can get around the offsets if we compost the remains of every person who spouts the anthropogenic global warming scam publicly. Toss in BLM, DEI (better said DIE), ESG, every pedophile we can round up, militant trannys and other violent queers, all persons who voted democrat in the most recent election and the entirety of the UN, WEF, WTO, CDC, NIH, IRS (that one’s personal), ATF, DOJ, oh heck fire there’s too many to list. Anyway, get them horizontal and quiet as they ought be and all this fuss about ‘climate change’ will vanish. And the climate will continue doing as it will, just as it always has. This is meant satirically (look it up) in every way.

  8. And be sure to buy (because soon there will be no choice) electric vehicles, ranges, water heaters and furnaces while we ignore/give-to-china negative waste nuclear (Thorium) and ultra high capacity and safe battery technology (vanadium batteries)…


  9. Oregon’s Governor just had a massive natural gas powered generator installed in the Governor’s mansion. That indicated to me that they are planning blackouts

  10. And getting rid of most new generators for the planet and the greater good.
    Good timing there sparky.
    They are planing something and it ain’t good.
    Get out of the big city’s.

  11. The temperature always spikes before the next ice age. Throw in the 12,000 year cycle of ‘Sun-go-boom’ for good measure with our geomagnetic field collapse, magnetic pole flip, disappearance of the ozone layer (5 minute sunburns) and occasional large impactors and we’ve got a perfect ‘end of Epoch’ scenario with at least a mini-ice age and massive population reduction upon exit of the cycle.

    Note to global elite: leave us alone and keep the industrial civilization alive. At the rate you’re trying to kill it, NOTHING will survive this end of cycle.

  12. Biggest joke is:

    There is NO Climate Crisis

    A Climate Catastrophe is IMPOSSIBLE

    All anyone has to do is NOTHING
    Sit back relax and maintain status quo and

    Stop listening to alarmist JERKS

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