According to ‘veteran senior congressional aide,’ 10 House Dems secretly meeting with GOP leaders to deny speakership to Pelosi – IOTW Report

According to ‘veteran senior congressional aide,’ 10 House Dems secretly meeting with GOP leaders to deny speakership to Pelosi

American Thinker:

Mark Tapscott has a source on Capitol Hill who is telling him that a bipartisan coup to throw Nancy Pelosi out of the speaker’s grand office — the nicest in the Capitol — is being plotted in secret.  Writing in The Epoch Times, he informs us:

Meetings are being held among House Republicans and 10 Democrats who voted against Pelosi becoming speaker in 2019.

“A serious effort is underway to prevent Pelosi from becoming speaker, backed by the GOP and Democrats who are disturbed by their party’s embrace of extreme rhetoric and policies like ‘defund the police,'” The Epoch Times was told on Dec. 30 by a veteran senior congressional aide who advises multiple members of Congress.

“The odds of success are less than 50-50, but it’s one of the more intriguing leadership challenges to emerge in recent decades,” said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

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20 Comments on According to ‘veteran senior congressional aide,’ 10 House Dems secretly meeting with GOP leaders to deny speakership to Pelosi

  1. Don’t hold your breath.

    Corruption is rampant under Speaker Pelosi and nobody will look into it as long as she holds the reins. She wields $Billions upon $Billions and the getting is too good – if you figured that they only stole 10% (the actual theft is much greater) the takes are enormous for rank-and-file little-known small-time congressional crooks.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Pelosi isn’t as popular as she once was, but she still wields significant power and has a great deal of influence.

    She may be kicked down a notch, but it’s not the probable thing to happen at this point.

    I’d still rather see AOC appointed as Speaker, but that probably won’t happen for at least two more elections.

  3. Geez Louise, the dems just stole a presidential election and are about to do it again this week in Georgia, and you guys are making deals with these bastards?

    This encapsulates the myopic thinking that plagues the GOP. We are facing a Constitutional crisis with a president elect that will sell out his country for 30 pieces of silver, is about unleash his foot soldiers (ANTIFA and BLM)on an unsuspecting public, and will sic HIS Justice Dept. on Trump once he leaves office with instructions to ,”Find a crime, anything at all and don’t come back until you do” and those GOP’ers wants to make deals, with the enemy?

    Any Republican congress critter that is caught even talking to them at the water-cooler, primary their ass. We want serious people representing us.

  4. Were these the same “aides’ ;that said GWB and Lerner were going ;to jail for breaking the law and harqssing conservatives?
    Can you guess wht I think?

    BS or horse Shit!

    Bush has never been even tried!

  5. @ rich taylor:

    This encapsulates the myopic thinking that plagues the GOP.

    It’s worse than that. The GOPe’s money firehose will continue to spew whether they’re in the majority or minority. They are much more committed to maintaining the corrupt status quo than to do anything to lessen their enrichment. There are a few exceptions, notable for their rarity as well as their general inability to do anything at all to derail the gravy train.

  6. If it happens, means K Street isn’t getting or projects it isn’t getting the ROI (return on investment) they contracted with the House.

    That’s serious shit. Real money. So they’ll replace folks that aren’t performing. We’re not talking about nebulous shit like ‘representation’ and ‘the peoples business’, we’re talking about the distribution of money from the largest source in the world.

    Tends to concentrate talent and intent.

  7. The Republicans enjoy their place on the back bench.
    They can carp and whine, do nothing of substance, and steal to their heart’s content. Don’t have to make any decisions, don’t have to try to Make America Great Again, don’t really have to do anything. Slumber and decay – picking at the corpse of America – trusting the Chinks to go easy on them.

    izlamo delenda est …


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