Accuser Lucy Flores: ‘Of Course’ I’d Support Joe Biden over Trump in 2020 – IOTW Report

Accuser Lucy Flores: ‘Of Course’ I’d Support Joe Biden over Trump in 2020


Appearing on CBS News Monday afternoon, Nevada Democrat Lucy Flores, who recently accused former Vice President Joe Biden of kissing the back of her head and smelling her hair at a 2014 campaign event, affirmed she would still support Biden over President Donald Trump in the 2020 general presidential election.

TANYA RIVERO: Let me ask you something. If [Biden] were to be the Democratic nominee and he’s up against Donald Trump — who has his own history with women, as we know, is pretty clouded — who would you support in that kind of a match-up?

LUCY FLORES: That’s not even a question, of course, I would support Biden.

RIVERO: That’s interesting to know. Now, I want to go back to [Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)] for a second, though, because his own campaign also in 2016 also had issues with women being mistreated by male staffers and you told NPR in January this year, that there was “essentially was a coverup.” Does that also disqualify Sanders? Do you think this was happening in his campaign?

FLORES: Those are two very, very different situations. I mean, you’re talking about a situation that occurred within a very, very large campaign structure and you’re talking about actual behavior that a person did. Those two things aren’t even close to being the same.  watch

22 Comments on Accuser Lucy Flores: ‘Of Course’ I’d Support Joe Biden over Trump in 2020

  1. Biden is too much of a gaffing idiot to win anything. He will destroy himself. I think giving the moron too much attention says we’re afraid of him, but on the other hand getting it out there constantly is beating him at his own game.

    Never mind 😉

  2. The Left is counting on their perceived anti-Trump surge among the general population of voters (both the legal and illegal ones) to win next year.

    That’s the way they see the country, as the majority being anti-Trump.

    That’s why there is so little competence and normalcy among all of their proposed candidates, they don’t think they’ll need it to win.

    They may end up being disappointed again, the way they did with Hillary running as their candidate,

    Time will tell.

  3. Her jaw is larger than her cranium.
    Almost neanderthal.
    It must be the primate in her that drove Old Joe horny.
    Too much time spent around Mike 0bama.

  4. The Left is so messed up even *they* don’t know how messed up they are. While Trumplicans, on the other hand, are feeling completely grounded in what is their mission. Certainty and decisive action have always been admired and are attractive to others.

    Just read that a whopping 34% of the attendees at POTUS Trump’s last rally were registered Democrats, which accounts for the even greater than normal turnout. And they weren’t there to protest him. Also read that 30-some percent of registered voters don’t know who Joe Biden is.

  5. Remember when the NYT said Mary Jo Kopechne would still support Ted Kennedy for all he’s done for women?

    Maybe they were right.

    Doesn’t matter. Now that Biden is on notice, everyone is going to be hypersensitive to tell their he touched me tale. And he’ll have to go against his nature and stop or grab the wrong person who won’t be inclined to keep it their little secret.

    My money is on grabby hands having muscle memory.

  6. @RadioMattM April 2, 2019 at 9:29 am

    > So a Democrat man can fondle little girls and he is still supported. A Republican man looks at a woman and he should be drummed out of the public eye.

    Because Republicans are bowtie straightening surrender monkeys.

  7. @AA,
    I too read that some 34% of attendees were registered dems……. I would like to know just exactly how that poll was taken.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. There ya go, that’s the spirit, that’s the demonrat party tradition of old we’ve come to expect.
    Where abuse of women ( or even men – Clarence Thomas, Bret Kavanaugh, slaves ) is an political asset, another brick in the road smoothing the way to higher political office.

    The party of Ted “sorry baby I don’t know how to swim’ Kennnedy the lying bastid of the senate, and
    Bill ‘kiss it, show me what you can do with a cigar’ Clinton. To name only two.

  9. @ Cliche Guevara April 2, 2019 at 10:19 am

    “Remember when the NYT said Mary Jo Kopechne would still support Ted Kennedy for all he’s done for women?”

    Mary Jo has been supporting Democrats ever since that auto ride with Ted. It’s what dead people do.

  10. @Crackerbaby — the article reported that, apparently, Pascale has set it up so that in order for people to get their online tickets for the rally they have to give their cell number. From that info, Trump’s campaign is able to access the phone owners’ public voting info. Pascale was quoted as saying that while other campaigns prioritize their focus on fund-raising, he’s focused on getting every single vote he can get for Trump and is way ahead of the game.

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