Accuser of California State Sen. Anderson (R) Was Arrested For Assault – IOTW Report

Accuser of California State Sen. Anderson (R) Was Arrested For Assault

CFP: California State Sen. Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) was accused last week by Stephanie Roberson, a female lobbyist for the California Nurses Association, a labor union, of threatening to “# slap” her and harassing her at a Capitol-area bar last week, several news outlets reported this week.

Anderson is now facing a legislative investigation by the Senate Rules Committee.

I spoke with Sen. Anderson who tells the story quite differently. Anderson also said the Los Angeles Times did not speak with him.

Anderson’s timeline and account of the incident does not conform with the news accounts, nor with the “anonymous sources” in the Los Angeles Times reporting.

Anderson said he and former Sen. Rod Wright were at a fundraiser at the Diplomat restaurant across from the Capitol, and Roberson said hello to him first. He said they had some small talk. “I said to her, ‘I spent all this time working across the street, and thought you’d lobby me one time in 12 years.’

“I told her ‘I’m disappointed we never worked together.’” Anderson said he does not do health care bills.

Anderson said he may have insulted Roberson with that comment. A few minutes later however, Anderson said he told her that his wife and daughter are both nurses, and he’s very supportive of nurses and nursing.

Anderson said the bar was busy and loud, and he and Wright were also talking with other people, when Wright suggested they move on to another restaurant. “Stephanie said ‘Oh no, stay here,’” to Anderson and Wright, he reported.

Shortly after, as they were again making small talk, Anderson said he told her, “Here’s something that’s a real # slap—I unionized my own shop,” referring to his direct mail business, and knowing she’s with a labor union.

Anderson said it was loud, and she said, “What did you say to me?” So he said he repeated his statement verbatim, “Here’s something that’s a real # slap—I unionized my own shop.”

That’s when Anderson said Stephanie Roberson started screaming, “He’s threatening me! He’s threatening me!”

Anderson said bar employees quickly walked up to him and asked him to leave. As this was happening, Anderson said Roberson looked at him and said, “I’m going to get you.”

Following this incident, I received a file of legal documents showing the same Stephanie Roberson has a record of inciting violence in public.  more here

3 Comments on Accuser of California State Sen. Anderson (R) Was Arrested For Assault

  1. and yet the local San Diego version of the LA SLIMES ran with this and convicted Anderson immediately and probably did 40 stories on it even though any one who read the article could tell the Union Crunt was clearly lying…….it’s the old Twitter reply of lie about something, 10 million retweets, apologize for lying and get 8 retweets….the sheeple have read it and believed it….


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