Ace Hardware returns to advertising on Laura Ingraham’s show – IOTW Report

Ace Hardware returns to advertising on Laura Ingraham’s show

DC: Ace Hardware decided to continue advertising on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program after initially caving to a boycott targeting the conservative host.

An Ace spokeswoman backtracked Thursday on an April 5 statement the company made, announcing the initial decision to cut advertising from the “Ingraham Angle.”

“The information we had at the time of the initial request was incomplete, and we apologize for that,” the spokeswoman told The Wrap in an email. The company has not “altered our current media schedule,” she said, adding Ace “regularly reviews our media strategy.”

Ace was singing a different tune in a statement announcing its initial decision to pull ads. “I can confirm that we do not have any plans to nationally advertise on Ingraham’s show in the future,” the same spokeswoman told TheWrap on April 5.  more here

11 Comments on Ace Hardware returns to advertising on Laura Ingraham’s show

  1. The left no longer tries to change policy through the legislative path, now their focus is on attacking through intimidation of corporations almost exclusively. The banks not loaning money to any company that makes or sells guns as an example.
    These cockroaches are everywhere stirring dissent.

  2. Rush Limbaugh once used the term slut in reference to Sandra Fluke’s push for free contraceptives and they used that to get a boycott going. He refused to take back advertisers that joined. Most came crawling back.

  3. What kills me is that the idiots at these corporations don’t even know who thier audience. Leftist imbeciles don’t go to Ace Hardware because they don’t build or fix anything themselves. They sit on a lawn chair holding a sign that says, “Help me!”

  4. “I can confirm that we don’t have any plans to advertise” is not exactly a statement about pulling advertising. Somebody called that Ace person and she says they don’t “plan” their advertising in answer to a question. It looks like a set up and a forced response, not a political statement. At least to me anyway.

  5. Well that’s nice to know. I know the owner of the one here in town, she has managed to stay afloat despite Home Depot being here. I like Ace, haven’t been there in a while but they always have what we’re looking for – not so much Home Depot. Home Depot won’t sell you garage springs for the door because they are dangerous to install. Went to Ace they had exactly what we wanted for a 40 year-old door. DH and I installed it….

  6. @Irony Curtain April 14, 2018 at 8:14 am

    > Leftist imbeciles don’t go to Ace Hardware because they don’t build or fix anything themselves. They sit on a lawn chair holding a sign that says, “Help me!”

    That’s not true. I know — actually know, not just know human people that claim to know other “people” — that are very proactive. They’ll go on Angie’s List to find “people” that people twitted served them well. And then pay actual — well, USC — money to have those “people” build or fix things for them. While they sit on a lawn chair, screeching and flinging poop. They can be quite active, indeed.


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