ACLJ Seeks Records From Obama’s State Department on Deleted Video – IOTW Report

ACLJ Seeks Records From Obama’s State Department on Deleted Video


ACLJ: We just submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the U.S. Department of State so we can get to the bottom of why the State Department deleted press briefing video footage that appeared to confirm that the Obama Administration lied about its dealings with Iran.

On Monday night, Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen reported that the U.S. Department of State had deleted a portion of its official video – the portion containing the spokesperson’s acknowledgment to Rosen that the Obama Administration had lied to the American public about when it began its secret bilateral talks with Iran.

The timing is important because the Obama Administration maintained it waited until after an allegedly more moderate regime was elected in 2013 before engaging Iran. This was part of its strategy in selling the “Iran Deal” to the American people and to Congress.  more

8 Comments on ACLJ Seeks Records From Obama’s State Department on Deleted Video

  1. And I do hope that ACLJ gets to the bottom of this, but I really want to know why the Senate cut off its balls with the Corker-Menendez Bill. They could have stopped the deal cold under normal rules. Obama doesn’t get all the blame.

  2. Obola’s never cared a whit for “pubic opinion” or for the feckless Congress, for that matter. The Iran “deal” is a pure, unabashed act of Treason which allows (and assists) Iran to build nukes. This was done at the insistence of the Mullahs through their intermediary Jarrett to facilitate the Caliphate and usher in the means to the annihilation of Israel and the izlamification of America.

    Iranians were studying Nuclear Engineering and Physics at major American Universities back in the 80s – and the fundamental science was done in the 40s – so, unless they’re as stupid as some weird combination of Al Sharpton and Al Gore, they have a usable nuke now.

    I guess they’re waiting for the end of the Obola regime so that he has some sort of “plausible deniability” and is, thus, spared the noose.

    “If I drop a hammer on a positive gravity planet, I need not see it fall to know that it has fallen.”

    Sometimes the fact of a matter is proof of its existence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only time an American should get that close to an ayatollah is with a stiletto.

    Jawn – 40 plus years a traitor, low rent whore and still breathing. A perfect mirror for the American ruling class.

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