ACLU defends Trump against tech censorship – IOTW Report

ACLU defends Trump against tech censorship

Townhall – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is rarely, if ever, on the side of conservatives. In fact, they usually favor Democrats’ policies and decisions. But now the civil rights organization is speaking out about Big Tech’s decision to permanently ban President Donald Trump from their platforms.

According to the ACLU, Americans should be concerned about the “unchecked power” that social media platforms have. 

“For months, President Trump has been using social media platforms to seed doubt about the results of the election and to undermine the will of voters,” ACLU Senior Legal Counsel Kate Ruane said in a statement. “We understand the desire to permanently suspend him now, but it should concern everyone when companies like Facebook and Twitter wield the unchecked power to remove people from platforms that have become indispensable for the speech of billions – especially when political realities make those decisions easier.”

The organization reminded followers and supporters that the same thing could happen to them. read more

13 Comments on ACLU defends Trump against tech censorship

  1. Don’t get me wrong as I appreciate help anywhere it comes from but I don’t care to Align myself with the ACLU. They’re protecting their own asses from what they see down the road. One party government puts them out of business.

  2. “If all the sources of current information are effectively under one single control, it is no longer a question of merely persuading the people of this or that. The skillful propagandist then has power to mold their minds in any direction he chooses, and even the most intelligent and independent people cannot entirely escape that influence if they are long isolated from all other sources of information.” {F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, 1944}

  3. It’s a set up, so the ACLU seems relevant.
    From other articles on the page.

    “In addition to removal, we’re also talking about complete barring of the president – or rather of Donald Trump – from running for office ever again,”

    The rioters’ true crime, in Pelosi’s estimation, appears to be their whiteness.

    Waged a nightly war on a courthouse in Portland that lasted for a number of months. Kamala Harris, Biden Staffers, and liberal celebrities even helped bail out those arrested.

    All media spin for those that worship lame-stream-media.

  4. The enemy of my enemy…

    Little too late.

    These tech firms control content. that makes them editors. That effectively makes the a form of the press. Freedom of the press is covered by WHAT AMENDMENT? and Backed up by WHAT AMENDMENT?

    Is the right to assemble also a right to assemble DIGITALLY such as a zoom call, tweet, and on line?

    I assume they can not stop you from standing on a milk crate and speaking. Today’s milk crate, megaphone and printing press are mostly digital.

  5. I think we need to use any resource available at the time. That’s what democrats do then later slap them down after the mission is accomplished. Some times called double face, or used.

  6. In a sop to democrats, ACLU states:

    “For months, President Trump has been using social media platforms to seed doubt about the results of the election and to undermine the will of voters,”.

    Liberals can’t keep from slamming Trump regardless of the subject.

    Who undermined the will of the voters? Liberals have been taking drugs for so long they have completely lost any sense of reality.

  7. Used to sort of admire the ACLU (maybe 30 years ago) for sometimes being that lone voice in support of free speech. Then they became a mouthpiece of the left. I agree that they might actually be afraid that the moves by Twitter and Google represent a danger, but more likely this is just a pathetic attempt to say “see, we still care about free speech” after repeatedly condemning free speech from the right. A sad, hollow shell is all that is left of what the ACLU was supposed to be.

  8. When they banned accounts over political ideology and people complained, they said, “Create your own app.”

    When they banned apps over political ideology and people complained, they said, “Create your own download website.”

    When they banned website hosting over political ideology and people complained, they said, “Create your own cloud.”

    Next they’ll tell you to create your own Internet, just so you can post something the tech oligarchs disagree with, and they still claim it’s not censorship.

    Fuck these assholes and the stupid, short-sighted prole cunts cheering them on.


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