ACLU Invites ‘Scrutiny and Judgment’ From UN Body Whose Members Include Egregious Rights Violators – IOTW Report

ACLU Invites ‘Scrutiny and Judgment’ From UN Body Whose Members Include Egregious Rights Violators

( – Relatives and supporters of African-Americans killed by police are calling for a U.N. inquiry – and in doing so are appealing to a body whose elected members include regimes accused of slavery, suppression of press freedom, and the sentencing to death of homosexuals and “blasphemers.”

In an initiative led by the ACLU and backed by hundreds of non-governmental organizations, the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, and Michael Brown are calling on the U.N. Human Rights Council (HRC) to convene an emergency session “on the escalating situation of police violence and the repression of protests in the United States.”

In a letter sent to Geneva on Monday, they said the session should lead to an independent inquiry into “the recent history of racist policing in cities across the country” and “allegations of excessive use of force against peaceful protesters and journalists.”

The signatories want the HRC to call on the U.S. to grant those carrying out the inquiry full access to witnesses, including police officers; as well as the right to inspect places of detention and to monitor trials. read more

12 Comments on ACLU Invites ‘Scrutiny and Judgment’ From UN Body Whose Members Include Egregious Rights Violators

  1. As they tell the young lawyers, never ask a question to which you don’t already know the answer. The ACLUN is not going to like finding the exact opposite of what it expects, and the statistics can’t be phonied up like Covid deaths. “Scrutiny and Judgment” mean nothing without truth.

  2. That is what the UN exists for. They are progressives and as such are 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. To concede good intentions to the UN is a trap. It is never justified.

  3. It’s pretty clear that places like Seattle can’t govern themselves anymore. When self-government fails, dysfunctional people drive everyone else away. And that’s what’s happening to America’s Democrat-run cities.

    Democrats drive out the good – like bad usually do.


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