ACLU Sues Gov’t for Being Pro-Muslim & Anti-Christian – IOTW Report

ACLU Sues Gov’t for Being Pro-Muslim & Anti-Christian

DML: It may shock many to learn that the Alabama ACLU is suing the government for Muslims receiving preferential treatment. Here is the story, from law professor Eugene Volokh at the Washington Post:

From the complaint in Allen v. English:

Plaintiff Yvonne Allen is a devout Christian woman who covers her hair with a headscarf as part of her religious practice. In December 2015, Ms. Allen sought to renew her driver license at the Lee County driver license office, where officials demanded that she remove her head covering to be photographed. When Ms. Allen explained her religious beliefs, the County officials responded with a remarkable claim: They admitted that there was a religious accommodation available for head coverings, but contended that it applied only to Muslims.

According to an ACLU press release,

Lee County’s refusal to grant Allen a religious accommodation contradicts state rules and violates her rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Alabama Constitution, according to the lawsuit.

“The county’s interpretation of state rules blatantly violates the First Amendment,” said Susan Watson, executive director of the ACLU of Alabama. “The government cannot discriminate between faiths in granting religious accommodations.”


8 Comments on ACLU Sues Gov’t for Being Pro-Muslim & Anti-Christian

  1. 1. Destroy the (communist-founded organization) ACLU.

    2. Ban ALL head coverings for ALL such purposes (identification). This lady is a freak (in the proper sense of the word), as compared to how muslim females dress.

  2. Suing on behalf of the very, very few Christian woman that follow this practice reinforces the creeping aharia practice for the many muslim woman who are forced to cover their heads, really, their entire faces. This way the ACLU can claim they have no preferences. To be honest I’d wonder look a little deeper into this plaintiffs claim and background.

  3. This doesn’t ring true to ACLU form. My inner cynic doesn’t trust the ACLU, but can’t figure out their long-term goal here. My prediction is Yvonne Allen will also turn out to be some sort of SJW activist, or else this is just one more example of faux hate crime attention-seeking.

  4. The ACLU has recently taken on a couple other cases, maybe a few more, on behalf of conserative positions. Every time my reaction is similar to the comments above.
    Very rare, but there are some good individual attornies in the group, and to some degree they have local control of thier local offices.

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