Acosta Will Anchor CNN on Weekends – IOTW Report

Acosta Will Anchor CNN on Weekends

Newsbusters: On Monday morning, CNN and chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta announced that, having spewed four years of hatred against President Trump and his supporters and vanquished Trump from office, he’ll depart the White House beat. Instead, he’ll become chief domestic correspondent and become a weekend anchor for the Jeffrey Zucker-led circus.

We report, you decide on whether that’s a promotion or an admission of mission accomplished. more

19 Comments on Acosta Will Anchor CNN on Weekends

  1. @flip:

    I know that they have been talking about adding more servers and capacity in order to handle the increase in users and traffic. It’s possible that the disruption is a part of the migration process.

    I hope…

  2. @TN Tuxedo et al – Gab is down.
    They have been victim of previous ddos attacks, i wouldn’t be surprised if they are again right now.

    I know things are slow there as they absorb unprecedented incoming customers, but this is different. indicates they are down. Still checking around.

  3. I’ll second that who cares chuck. In fact on occasion I was kinda enjoying Greg Kelly until last night’s rant about how violence is so terrible and every one that breached the Capitol needs to face charges.

    Quoting Herchel @ The Captain’s Journal,

    Violence Gets You Nothing!

    So says Glenn Beck. Jim Treacher piles on at Instapundit. Mark Levin wants the perpetrators to be prosecuted, demands it, screams it at his audience. There is no end to the parade of “conservatives” joining the chorus of outrage and demands for retribution.

    This will be brief, but I must say that as I’ve had time to think about it, I don’t really care what happened in Washington, D.C., except that a good woman perished. I don’t really care if it was a false flag event, I don’t care what was or wasn’t accomplished. I wouldn’t care if the capital building had been burned to the ground. I don’t do business there, and any shutdown of the business of the controllers can’t help but be good for the liberty of America.

    But what I do care about is the rank, despicable, repulsive hypocrisy of those who enjoy the liberty bought for them by the blood, sweat, tears, toil, labor and in some cases the lives of better men who risked everything to purchase that independence from tyranny – but then who demand that the very tactics they chose to obtain that independence, absolutely necessary tactics as proven by the fact that the king had dispatched his armies, are never acceptable, bring nothing good, never accomplish anything worthy, and are to be avoided at all costs.

    Such were the arguments in the continental congress, with the state of S.C. being the last to concede (because they knew that the Southern port of Charleston would be a foci of any campaign against the colonies and that S.C. would pay a terrible cost). Those arguments failed even for the delegates from S.C.

    Violence against King George didn’t accomplish anything good, until it did, and liberty was purchased and freedom won. Spare me the moralistic preening, screaming outrages, and demands for justice. Those demands should have been proffered over the 2020 election fraud rather than the people who rebelled against that national crime.

    And I’ll add the pictures of our Overlords cowering under their desks and running to safety through secret passageways are priceless. If ity took antifa infiltrating the parade to light a fire under our asses, I’ll toast to that.


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