ActBlue Unfairly Targets Union Members With Layoffs, Employees Say – IOTW Report

ActBlue Unfairly Targets Union Members With Layoffs, Employees Say

WFB: Democratic fundraising juggernaut ActBlue slashed 17 percent of its workforce on Monday, less than two months after its union gleefully announced it had struck a landmark collective bargaining agreement with the company that raised the bar on how employees should be treated.

The ActBlue union is singing a different tune now that 32 of the 54 employees terminated during Monday’s layoffs were members of its bargaining unit. The union said its members were being unfairly punished for the “financial difficulties” of ActBlue, adding that the layoffs put the organization’s progressive accolades at risk and will jeopardize its ability to finance the Democratic movement in the 2024 elections. The union alleged that ActBlue management refused to reduce its own bloated pay to stave off the layoffs, saying that doing so would have been “oppressive.”

“We are disappointed in Leadership and the Board’s refusal to take pay cuts or stipend freezes,” the union said in a statement Monday. “Prioritizing executive profit over rank and file workers’ livelihoods does not live up to [ActBlue’s] progressive values.” more

12 Comments on ActBlue Unfairly Targets Union Members With Layoffs, Employees Say


    Get in bed with the Devil, expect to get fucked!

    “Progressive values?” No such things! “Progressives” are amoral slugs – maggots eating the Republic from the inside out.
    Union stooges – fools – useful idiots (as Toenex wrote).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Socialist Union finds out where they are on the food chain. Dead last.
    How many Union members does it take to answer a phone?
    One shop steward, 4 Union members standing around listening to the shop steward tell them how great the Union is and one Union member to answer the phone.
    That is socialism at work.

  3. I wonder if a single one of those laid off workers is going to let go of his ankles, stand erect, look over his shoulder and notice what the progressives are actually doing. If he’s really discerning, he might even notice who they’re doing it to. Which isn’t just evil conservatives.

  4. My dad was in a labor union, Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers Union, at his company for forty years. The O.C.A.W. was one of the most left-wing radical unions around. He and his fellow lab technicians realized that the union was in it for themselves, so they left and formed their own union, the Technical Control Union. They negotiated their own contracts and did much better for themselves. They were mostly WWII vets and wanted to work hard and provide for their families and not be pawns of the union bosses. I worked in the petrochemical industry for thirty-five years and was never a member of a union. You had to perform or risk getting fired as you had no union to go to bat for you. Most of the union guys I knew were lazy and less than smart. They felt working hard was for suckers because their union protected them from having to answer for their lack of productivity.

  5. “Prioritizing executive profit over rank and file workers’ livelihoods does not live up to [ActBlue’s] progressive values.” one’s a Communist with their OWN money.

    Only other peoples’.


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