Acting DHS Secretary Reveals 90% of Migrants Don’t Show for Their Court Hearings – IOTW Report

Acting DHS Secretary Reveals 90% of Migrants Don’t Show for Their Court Hearings

IJR: The number of migrants who enter the U.S. after seeking asylum and are a no-show for their court date is staggering.

Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan told the Senate Judiciary Committee during Tuesday’s hearing that 90 percent of asylum-seekers who come into the country are not to be seen again.

“It depends on demographic, the court, but we see too many cases where people are not showing up,” McAleenan said. “Out of those 7,000 cases, 90 received final orders of removal in absentia, 90 percent.”

“Ninety percent did not show up?” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) asked.

“Correct, that is a recent sample from families crossing the border,” McAleenan responded.

“Currently due to a single district court order, we cannot obtain effective immigration enforcement results for the families arriving at our border — they cannot be held for longer than 21 days and do not receive rulings from immigration courts for years,” McAleenan also noted.

Additionally, McAleenan explained the situation at the border as he laid out statistics: MORE

12 Comments on Acting DHS Secretary Reveals 90% of Migrants Don’t Show for Their Court Hearings

  1. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that people who entered this country illegally would ignore their duty to appear in court after being duly summoned. Next you’ll probably tell me that there are major cities who offer these people sanctuary.

  2. The Left keeps saying that these are law biding and peaceful people. I think that this just sank their whole argument for good. Any judge that overrides the DHS policy of making these people claim their asylum in Mexico before they come over here should be disbarred (if not outright flogged).

    And what else are the Lefties ignoring, the fact that San Antonio has 350 Congolese is only going to encourage further migration from Africa thru the Mexican border. And no, they don’t have Ebola, but that does not mean that you are not going to have an outbreak at the southern border.

    This is from May 24th’s National Geographic:

    The outbreak already is the second-largest on record, behind the epidemic that burned through West Africa from 2014 to 2016, killing more than 11,300 people. In its most extreme form, the viral hemorrhagic fever leads to uncontrollable bleeding and death.:

    An Ebola epidemic thundering through heavily populated provinces in the northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo has sickened 1,877 people and killed 1,248 as of May 22, according to the World Health Organization—despite the efforts of specialist medical teams, an effective vaccine, and new treatments that are being tested in the region.

    The outbreak already is the second-largest on record, behind the epidemic that burned through West Africa from 2014 to 2016, killing more than 11,300 people. In its most extreme form, the viral hemorrhagic fever leads to uncontrollable bleeding and death.

  3. After the first hundred thousand ebola deaths, Illegals will be darted like bears, shrinkwrapped in a diaper and bubble wrapped, hydrated and sedated and UPS is going to make a shitload of money shipping them all home.

  4. “Are you an illegal? — and let it be known that we know the answer, and if you lie I will put your head on a pike.”

    “Si, senor, illegal.”

    “That was easy, now I’m going to put your head on a pike.”

  5. I said it 64 years ago defending Ike against my “kinder gentler” teachers “Were they not criminals in the first place, they’d not be here. law breakers have no respect for the law; nor the people law protects!” They were criminals in the first place. So they broke another law? Criminals dont give a sh*t!

    Actually hard to believe 10% followed the law!

  6. @Lazlo The Elder June 12, 2019 at 9:51 pm

    > After the first hundred thousand ebola deaths, Illegals will be darted like bears

    Thankfully you’re wrong.
    Even more thankfully, hemorrhagic fevers are not air born, though highly contagious.

  7. 90%,,, 90% don’t show up?
    100% of Rescue personnel (Police, Firefighters, EMT’s, etc) show up to save these never have been contributing bastards.
    Thanks to the illegal vote starving Democratic party’s need to be a regime again.


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