Acting SecDef reveals ‘watershed’ move: civilian special ops leadership to report directly to him – IOTW Report

Acting SecDef reveals ‘watershed’ move: civilian special ops leadership to report directly to him

Just The News –

In a major change to one component of the civilian command structure at the Pentagon, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller announced Wednesday that the civilian leadership of U.S. special operations forces will report directly to him.

“I have directed the special operations civilian leadership to report directly to me instead of through the current bureaucratic channels,” Miller said. “This historic step … will put Special Operations Command on par with the military services for the first time.”

Miller, a former Green Beret who took part in a secret mission in Afghanistan immediately following the 9/11 attacks, announced the new policy while at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the historic home of Army Special Forces. more here

10 Comments on Acting SecDef reveals ‘watershed’ move: civilian special ops leadership to report directly to him

  1. On a related note, the Pentagon failed its 2020 audit;

    In 2018, the first-ever audit of the Pentagon, they failed, and have never passed a yearly audit thereafter.

    The swamp is the swampiest in The Pentagon, worse than the GSA, education, the post office. The whole organization reaks of fraud, waste, and redundancy.

  2. Special operations comprises special forces, special operations civil affairs, and psychological operations. These regularly work with other government agencies and bureaucracies, e.g. State Department, CIA. As you are aware, there are sections of our government that are, shall we say, somewhat out of control. Bringing them all under military command will cut down on shenanigans where our forces are given orders to do things that ostensibly are part of some obscure, perhaps long-standing missions.

    The move does not give government more control. It removes control from these other governmental sectors.

  3. This assumes that the military is more trust worthy/less corrupt than State and the CIA, I’m not convinced that is the case.

    An agency that never met a war it didn’t like, one that finds it perfectly reasonable to keep troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan for 50 years (Dick Cheney quote), and one that continually fights the command structure put in place 200 plus years ago of civilian control, I don’t trust these guys anymore than all the other swamp creatures.

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