Activist dismayed ‘affluent black kids are demanding lowered standards,’ not equal treatment – IOTW Report

Activist dismayed ‘affluent black kids are demanding lowered standards,’ not equal treatment

Just The News-

Civil rights activist Carol Swain, who was just named to President Trump’s “1776 Commission” to teach American heritage, told Just the News this week she is dismayed that “affluent black kids are demanding lowered standards” instead of equal treatment under the law.

Swain, a prominent African-American social and political commentator, said she’s also horrified that left-leaning activists today are dismissing time-tested social virtues and institutions like punctuality, proper grammar, the nuclear family, diligence and perseverance as examples of “whiteness” or “white-dominant culture.” 

The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture this summer “had an exhibit that talked about hard work and getting to places on time and standard English, and all of those things that helped make for our success, that those things were part of the white oppression,” Swain noted on her Conversations with Dr. Carol Swain podcast last week. “I mean, it’s the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever heard of.” more

19 Comments on Activist dismayed ‘affluent black kids are demanding lowered standards,’ not equal treatment

  1. If you want equal opportunity for ‘your people’ – whether that is an ethnic group, a gender group, or anything else, including, say ‘Americans’ – then the absolute first step is to demand equal treatment. Equal treatment works at both ends – that the group isn’t targeted in some way but also that they be held to the same societal standards. It is the only way for ‘your people’ as a group to have the best chance at success.

  2. Ya know, I’ve been thinking. If the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc. had just spent their time being victims and demanding equality they could have ended up in the same situation the Blacks are in today instead of in that nasty “privileged class” situation on the upper end of the social/economic structure they’ve been forced into by generations of hard work and pursuit of achievement they engaged in instead.

  3. I never had a problem with equality but I do with entitlement. Years of equal opportunity has taught multitudes that entitlement is good.
    I’ve seen many inferior candidates get a jobs because of it. While the more qualified even senior associates lost an opportunity they deserved.
    I suppose the lawmakers idea was that people given opportunities would rise to the occasion. While some indeed do many only degrade the working standards for all and America has suffered poor product and services for it.
    It doesn’t matter what your race is.
    It doesn’t matter what your religion is.
    It doesn’t matter what your gender is.
    If you can do a job right you should have an opportunity. But as I’ve often told young people, you might have to start at the bottom and work your way up so don’t get discouraged just work hard and you will be rewarded in time.

  4. They do not want equal treatment under the law. They want the gubmint to give them preferential treatment, and those in power will bow to it because they will look better and they will not be held to account. The leftists are more willing to scream than the right. More noodles on the right.

  5. Grasshopper equality:
    Sleeping in until noon and cashing in on freebies while skipping learning anything worthwhile the IS the new “equality” they seek. Once great artists and athletes, they have even ruined music and the sports that are now dying in a stranglehold of agitprop.
    The bad ending to doing this kind of nihilism is always its own painful reward.

  6. Can the ancient Greeks have their letters and lofty civilization back?

    The affluent ‘inteligensia’ that trash Va Beach and other places when they have their kahledge reunions have appropriated a culture they couldn’t dream of resembling.

  7. She sounds like a person who thinks clearly about the problems our country faces.

    I have no problem with folks that want a bigger piece of the pie by hard work and education. By doing so, they will automatically make the pie bigger. The losers of all races that want more without contributing anything anything other than their complaints just make the pie smaller.

  8. Popular music, even going back 70-80 years hasn’t helped. How many songs can you think of that have improper grammar that sounds like the patois of very stupid people?

    From the 1930’s – “If It Ain’t Got That Swing, It Ain’t Got a Thing” to the 1960’s – “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” – right up to today, popular music is rife with “ain’t” and bad grammar.

    Now I admit I sometimes use bad grammar, but usually not in public. Why couldn’t the song have been titled “I Can’t Get Any Satisfaction”?

    The popular culture has helped create a nation of ignoramuses.


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