Activist Immigration Judges Quit in Frustration – IOTW Report

Activist Immigration Judges Quit in Frustration

GWP: Immigration judges frustrated with the Trump administration’s tightening of control over the Department of Justice based immigration court system are resigning from the bench in higher than normal numbers, many out of frustration, according to a report by CNN. The crack down began under former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and has continued under Attorney General William Barr. read more

26 Comments on Activist Immigration Judges Quit in Frustration

  1. …hey, maybe they should go be judges in Mexico, if they like it so much.

    …oh, wait, Mexico would jail them as FELONS if they border jump the OTHER way, but I guess it’s OK for THEM to do it, since they speak Spanish and some of them aren’t White…

  2. …as “activists judges” they are violating their Constitutional role of merely interpreting the law and usuping the Legislative branch’s authority to MAKE laws even as they illegally block the Executive branch from ENFORCING laws, with the stated goal of allowing our Country to be overwhelmed by waves of organized invaders.

    They should not be ALLOWED to resign.

    They should be HUNG.

    …hang them on the border wall too, and leave their flyblown corpses there until they fall apart, as a warning to OTHERS who may enable the next invasion and to the invaders THEMSELVES…

    ….nothing says STAY AWAY better than the smell of putrifying flesh wafting across a raked and guarded border zone from corpses exploded at bellies first bloated to a ghastly parody of pregnancy by bacterium broiling in the hot Sonorian sun until it rips the rotted flesh jaggedly apart, leaving the festering entrails exposed for happy murders of crows to tear out with their merciless beaks…

  3. Cowards…typical lefty childish approach when they can’t get their own way, they bail. In the end it’s good for America…more subversives gone leaves room for decent judges.

  4. Scurrying cockroaches.
    Oh … sorry … cucarachas …

    And, as they ARE cockroaches, they’ll turn up somewhere else, spreading filth, lies, and assisting foreign invasion.
    We need to build a “Roach Motel” for them.
    Where they “Check in; but Don’t Check Out.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. gin blossom
    DECEMBER 28, 2019 AT 8:29 AM

    “To see this comment in Spanish press #4”

    Para ver este comentario en español, presione numero cuatro

    Para votar Demócrata en cada elección, presione cualquier tecla.

    Gracias por su votar Democrata. Ahora puede volver a su nivel de vida anterior.


  6. Crooked leftist activist judges are now focused on trying to stop the red (conservative) tide expected during the 2020 Presidental election by blocking voter ID laws. It just happened in NC.
    North Carolina just got hit with a leftist punch to the gut and is in danger of going blue very soon, thanks to this kind of tryanny against the will of the people in NC; .

    Here is the federal judge who blocked the voter ID law in North Carolina a few days ago – surprise! (sarc); .


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