Activist Judge Scales Back Injunction he Placed on Travel Ban – IOTW Report

Activist Judge Scales Back Injunction he Placed on Travel Ban


In light of the upcoming SCOTUS decision on whether they will hear the “travel ban” case, Obama’s activist judge is scaling back the injunction he placed on President Trump’s travel ban.

Obama’s buddy, Judge Derrick Watson, nullified the impact the injunction will have on studying vetting policies and procedures.

It was almost as if Obama and Bill Clinton’s activist judges wanted to take away ANY ability we have to protect ourselves from terrorists.

From Politico

A federal judge in Hawaii has reined in an injunction he issued three months ago blocking key parts of President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban executive order.

U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson scaled back the injunction Monday, nullifying its impact on studies and policy reviews ordered under the directive Trump issued in March and billed as an anti-terrorism initiative.

In a ruling last week, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the bulk of Watson’s injunction, but said portions of it that blocked the Trump administration from studying vetting procedures were too broad and should be lifted.  more here

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