Activist Organization Sends Mental Patient To Buy Handgun – IOTW Report

Activist Organization Sends Mental Patient To Buy Handgun

I guess I’m supposed to be outraged that she was able to buy a gun. Am I not supposed to be outraged that she can drive her car, own a meat cleaver or have access to gasoline and a lighter?

See video at The Feral Irishman.

17 Comments on Activist Organization Sends Mental Patient To Buy Handgun

  1. You know what’s kind of funny as an FFL I can refuse to sell a gun to anybody if I don’t like what I see. I would think that would really piss the Libs off. Maybe the ATF should be in charge of cakes too.

  2. Amazing what people can do with mental challenges. A relative is devastated with Down’s Syndrome. Limited to being able to walk and feed herself. Cannot read, write, or communicate. But she, and all those like her in a group home, are registered democrats.

  3. Correct, Bad_Brad; and as one FFL explained to me, “Yep. And we’re about the only people that can do that.” (This was WAY before the wedding cake / wedding flower kerfluffle.)

  4. Bad Brad,
    When they ask what two types of ID they need just tell them a drivers license along with a utility bill or bank statement.
    That’s how we do it at work.

    The guy has never seen any of these as his baby momma takes care of everything so they just leave.

  5. If she made the purchase and the ATF finds this article they will track her down and charger for lying on the 4473. If she truthfully filled out the 4473 the gun dealer would not have even proceeded any further on the transaction.

  6. “When I was feeling suicidal, I don’t think I would feel safer with a gun”

    Or a car, or my big pile of RX drugs, or a sharpened spoon, or a bucket of water….

    I just wonder if anyone watching that video would be swayed in their opinion?

  7. I just watched the video and I think the entire gun store portion is bull shit. The sales guy clearly doesn’t understand question F on the 4473. I don’t know about the National Back Ground check because I’m in Cali, but Cali’s DROS system asks all the questions that are on the 4473 plus a few more dealing with mental problems. But the biggest thing is NOBODY behind the counter of a gun store is going to put his finger inside the trigger guard of a weapon let alone dry fire it like that.

  8. The video proves nothing. Her answer to the sales clerk on the question of whether she was adjudicated into a mental institution was not included in the video, nor was her written answer seen. Did she lie? Would need to see the unedited version and a copy of her completed form to see if the activist organization really made their case.

  9. I will and have declined to sell a handgun to persons I am not comfortable with. After being threatened with a lawsuit, I call the not so friendly BATF agent and give him a copy of the 4470, their drivers license, and an explanation.
    I then file the 4470 with a note as to why I declined to sell to an obvious gang banger/crazy person.
    It’s my right and duty, we don’t sell cakes, eh?

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