Actor John Cusack Apologies for Anti-Semitic Retweet (After he says a ‘bot’ did it) – IOTW Report

Actor John Cusack Apologies for Anti-Semitic Retweet (After he says a ‘bot’ did it)

Epoch Times: This week, 52-year-old actor John Cusack fired off a barrage of tweets apologizing to his 1.6 million Twitter followers for an anti-Semitic image he retweeted.

The retweet—which has since been deleted—showcased a black and white cartoon featuring a large opened hand with a blue Star of David on the sleeve, crushing a crowd of people underneath it.

The image was accompanied by a quote mistakenly attributed to the seventeenth century French historian and philosopher Voltaire which read, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

The quote is alleged to have actually been based upon the writings of white nationalist and neo-Nazi Kevin Alfred Strom, reported USA Today.

Along with the retweet, Cusack attached the quote, “Follow the money.”

Screenshots from Twitter user @yashar show Cusack initially attempting to claim that the retweet was the result of falling prey to a “bot.” more here

11 Comments on Actor John Cusack Apologies for Anti-Semitic Retweet (After he says a ‘bot’ did it)

  1. So he was in collusion with a bot? Was it a Russian bot? Did he pee on it in a Moscow hotel room? I hope the FBI appoints a Special Prosecutor to look into this.

  2. Then he blamed the alt right. This guy is such a rabid leftist loser I can’t stomach to see him and have not watched a thing he has been in for decades.

  3. Don’t understand why he apologized.
    The Jews in Hollyweird hate their Jewishness, and the regular, run-of-the-mill Jews probably have better things to worry about than John Cusack.

    So, why should an anti-Semite apologize for an anti-Semitic cartoon?
    Like the fukkin ragheads who cover their faces while claiming to fight for “Allah” – why cover your face if you’re proud of your fight? If you’re ashamed of fighting for your god, your god is going to be ashamed of you.

    Maybe it’s a case of simple cowardice?

    izlamo delenda est …


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