Actor Mickey Rourke breaks down in tears remembering when he met Vladimir Putin – IOTW Report

Actor Mickey Rourke breaks down in tears remembering when he met Vladimir Putin

BPR: Actor and former boxer Mickey Rourke broke down during a tell-all interview with Piers Morgan when recalling a meeting he once had with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014.

Morgan threw the kitchen sink at Rourke, probing him on everything from his abusive childhood to his thoughts on Tom Cruise during the half-hour interview on Fox Nation’s recent addition, “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”

Rourke related tales of his 2014 trip to Russia alongside other Hollywood personalities including Sharon Stone, who danced with Putin at the time, and said he saw a different, very human side of the Russian president when he accompanied him on a trip to St. Petersburg to visit a home for children with incurable cancer. MORE

14 Comments on Actor Mickey Rourke breaks down in tears remembering when he met Vladimir Putin

  1. “All that sh–‘s not right,”

    How lucky we are as a society to have erudite actors drop these kernels of wisdom our way.

    Instead of Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, Socrates, or Will Rodgers setting the narrative, we now look to actors, tik-toker’s, and social media influencers to light the way. A bullet in the left ear is all we deserve.

  2. Back in the day(80s) Mickey was in a string of most excellent flicks. The dude was King of the World. Top box office, beating woman off with a stick and really very good looking. Never could shake his boxing jones and went for it. Fucked him up. Got some horrendous plastic surgery. The last decade or so he pops up with a mouthful of bullshit occasionally. Not interested.

    His life to do with what he wants.

  3. Actors pontificating on World events are, for the most part, laughable.
    Some are sad.

    I’ve enjoyed Rourke’s work and I’m kind of surprised that he doesn’t realize that War is dangerous for everyone, not just soldiers. Disease usually kills as many as opponents – starvation takes its toll, too – I remember (sort of – I read it at the time) reading that in Bangladesh’s war for independence there were over 1 million civilian deaths to some 50,000 battle casualties (not all of which died).
    Apparently Mr. Rourke hasn’t been paying attention.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. One of 2 things had to happen. Had his sack of nuts removed or brain damage from boxing. I really thought he would find some compassion here. Yous guys could have a good bigly cry over your main squeeze.

  5. He was in a movie once as an Irishman who had several conversations with his priest. When he addressed the priest, he called him “Farter”, not Father. You could see Rourke smirking at his joke.

    He was OK them. Now his head looks like a partially sauteed head of cabbage. Well, sort of. Or maybe a soccer ball that has been kicked 1,000 times. Or maybe he punched himself silly and crashed headfirst into a window.

  6. I think he was triggered by my lawn. I’ve been away too much this summer and at some point the solenoids for the irrigation conked out. I’d work on it but alas, am off for another short trip.

    R.I.P. my lawn. An Arizona marvel at one point.


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