Actress Denise Richards ‘visibly shaken’ after being shot at in random California road rage attack – IOTW Report

Actress Denise Richards ‘visibly shaken’ after being shot at in random California road rage attack


As crime in America skyrockets, even the rich and famous are finding themselves falling victim to random (and sometimes not-so-random) acts of violence.

Actress Denise Richards recently found herself in an incredibly scary situation as she and her husband, Aaron Phypers, were reportedly shot at by an angry driver on Monday. Pictures from after the incident show Richards on the phone, at times becoming emotional. MORE

19 Comments on Actress Denise Richards ‘visibly shaken’ after being shot at in random California road rage attack

  1. As crime in America skyrockets, even the rich and famous are finding themselves falling victim to random (and sometimes not-so-random) acts of violence.

    ^^^^That’s a true statement. Paul Pelosi proved it out twice in recent weeks. First a DUI with injuries inflicted on the other party. Then a hammer attack in his home with a gay prostitute he ordered up. Then the Jussie Smollet’s, yep celebrities aren’t immune from violence–some of it self-inflicted.

  2. “Denise Richards”.


    (looks up filmography)


    I don’t know this person or these movies. Guess she’s famous to someone.

    …In any case, welcome to the party, whoever you are, maybe start carrying one of your own…

  3. SNS, Her real claim to fame is marrying the loon and druggy, Charlie Sheen of “Two and a Half Men” and starred in a bunch of films. He’s actor Martin Sheen’s son.

  4. Nice truck! I believe it was the truck that was targeted. Just as during the Russian Revolution, the left conditions people to hate those who have nice things. After all, why should anybody have nice things when everybody doesn’t have nice things. Equity, you know! If we don’t crush the commie bastards taking over our country, a day will come that your ‘nice house’ will be seized and allotted to someone the government decides is more deserving. It’s just another extension of government mandated ‘affirmative action’. It’s already happening in western socialist countries.

  5. Dr. Hambone
    NOVEMBER 19, 2022 AT 3:15 PM
    “Nice truck! I believe it was the truck that was targeted. Just as during the Russian Revolution, the left conditions people to hate those who have nice things.”

    …the criteria can get pretty arbitrary when the government trades on hate, as the people murdered by the Khimer Rouge for wearing glasses because it made them look hateably “intellectual” could tell you if they weren’t reduced to residency in a pile of skulls…

    …coming to a BLM riot near you…

  6. 99th Squad Leader
    NOVEMBER 19, 2022 AT 2:51 PM
    “SNS, Her real claim to fame is marrying the loon and druggy, Charlie Sheen of “Two and a Half Men” and starred in a bunch of films.”

    …thanks for that. I wouldn’t know what her real claim to fame was had you not told me of the reprobate she’s married to.

  7. And true to form like the lefty commie bitch she is she will scream and shout for more “gun control” to make INNOCENT people incapable of resisting the violence of criminals. Typical brain dead hollywood moron.

  8. You’re welcome, SNS. She divorced Sheen a while back. She was with her current husband when they were shot at in California. Typical Hollywierd couple. Although, they seem to be low key.


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