Revolver: There has been a lot of debate surrounding the factors contributing to individuals experiencing confusion about their identity. Research has shown that gender dysphoria plays a significant role in this confusion. People suffering with this disorder bizarrely believe they were born with the wrong sex organs at birth. However, instead of focusing on treating this illness, many doctors, activists, and politicians are enabling the disorder by encouraging these poor, lost souls to take hormones and go under the knife. What’s even more worrying is the huge number of people in this troubled community dealing with mental illness and having suicidal tendencies. There does seem to a spiritual element to this crisis, however, that rarely gets discussed. More on that later.

More than 50% of transgender and non-binary youth in states across the US seriously considered suicide in the past year, according to new survey data on a worsening LGTBQ+ youth mental health crisis.
The Trevor Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to LGBTQ+ youth suicide prevention, on Thursday released state-level data from nearly 34,000 queer and trans youth ages 13 to 24, showing alarmingly high rates of suicide attempts, depression and anxiety across liberal and conservative regions.
It’s no wonder so many transgender people are mentally ill and suicidal. They’re not getting the help they truly need.That’s exactly what happened to the actress known as Ellen Page, who underwent a surgical transformation and now goes by the name Elliot Page. As it turns out, right before undergoing surgery to remove her breasts, Ellen experienced a traumatic episode involving self-inflicted facial punching and hearing strange voices telling her to “become transgender.” READ MORE
SNIP: Why is she still wearing lipstick?
Didn’t punch hard enough.
What will she do when she hears voices telling her to kill someone?
She is a client of personal trainer Harley Pasternak who was also Kayne West’s trainer and is known to drug and have great influence over his clients. She might be the victim and boy has she paid the price.
Big money for psychologists, psychiatrists, surgeons, an pharmaceutical companies.
Can I have a cigarette? No, you’re 5.
Can I have a Beer? No, you’re 5.
Can I drive a car? No, you’re 5.
Can I take hormones and change my sex? Sure! You know best.
Hopefully the voice tells her to drink rat poison the next time.
It was the voice of Satan.
Hearing voices in your head and having having conversations with it, self abuse & self mutilation. Not that long ago that was called Schizophrenia. Now it is deemed gender confirming health care. Don’t care what you call it, like liberalism, it’s still a textbook mental disorder.
Poor thing.
I wonder if everyone around her was more interested in the money than her well being.
So many of these kids who get into acting at young ages end up completely messed up.
I’ll at least give her credit for punching herself in the face.
Most of these rich spoiled celebrities pay someone else to do everything for them.
Zipper tits. The first time I heard that I laughed.
believing they were born with the wrong sex organs is not the psychosis. it is a symptom of a much deeper issue. this person needs to be under the care of a physician without a political agenda.
Sadly, Ellen Page, the “actress” only had about 2 good movies (Juno and Inception). Her career is non-existent and by stating that she is male, she got a “bit of a bounce” on the news cycle. The sad truth is that her movies were made over 10 years ago and she is not that good of an actress.
The reason so many are suicidal is because normal people aren’t bowing down and worshipping them Isn’t that the story?
Not mentally ill, huh?
There is no hope for these people.
If it dies, it dies.
We call it mental illness, but is it truly mental illness or is it pure evil? I’m not one of those snake handling or casting out demon people, but I do believe demons walk among us and I’m sure they at least guide these people, if they aren’t totally possessing them.
It’s truly something I’ve never liked to dwell on much, because it kind of freaks me out, but if there were demons for Jesus to cast out, then there are still demons today.
I want to punch her, too, but I won’t.
@ Old Racist White Woman
The ones doing the transitioning, I think, for the majority are mentally ill. The demons are the others who support this shit as part of their political agenda. These are truly evil people, not mentally ill but evil in the same manner as a serial killer is evil.
EVERY person believing they are trapped in the wrong body is simply someone suffering from a serious emotional, physical, or sexual trauma in their past that has so traumatized them that they can no longer face their future in the body they were blessed with. Sadly, rather than confronting and transcending these traumas, they pretend that they can run and hide behind makeup, dresses, genital mutilation, etc. They of course will NEVER find the kind of sanity that can ONLY come through demon facing, but society encourages their mental illness and delusion.
Of course demons still exist.
And yes, they walk among us.
They don’t have to “possess” anyone! The humans are volunteers.
Psychiatry/psychology is a new religion, and the psychiatrists/psychologists are its high priests (see: “12 Monkeys”).
Good and Evil exist, as much as we try to rationalize Evil and attempt to “modernize” it – it is still Evil. Mental illness also exists – separate and distinct from Evil – though sometimes crossing over, as in the cases of these deviants who refuse to accept their sexuality. They start out simple mental cases and are ramped into the realm of Evil by perverted, greedy, malevolent “experts.”
God isn’t nearly done with us – so hang onto your hat!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Ellen Page Looking into a mirror:
You have a punchable face, BITCH. Take this: BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM….etc. till she knocks herself out.
IOW, SELF-HATE carried to an extreme.
No God in her life, no self-respect. It’s that simple.
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou oh heavenly prince, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls.”
My potential of compassion/empathy for these people, and leftists in general, is gone….never to return. I just don’t care anymore. If they were on fire, I’d just pour gas on the flames. There is no reasoning with them. They have embraced an anti-life agenda, to their own detriment, in order to appease/pay tribute to their messiahs and false prophets. They deserve every pain, hardship or horror that comes their way. In fact, it should be a mission to make sure that Charon’s boat is filled to the brim with these wretched souls on a daily basis.
I’m with you JB_Honeydew. I told my boss at ABC that if I found Martha Raddatz at the bottom of the stairs, bloody and gasping, I would piss on her face. He stared at me for a few seconds (and I thought by looking at him that I had REALLY overstepped the bounds)… and he said, “Call me if you find her at the bottom of the stairs. I’ll be there.”
I’m sure there’s a perfectly rational explanation for all that craziness…