Actress Issa Rae Threatens To Ax Her Own Show If Melania Likes It — The First Lady Calls Her Bluff – IOTW Report

Actress Issa Rae Threatens To Ax Her Own Show If Melania Likes It — The First Lady Calls Her Bluff


DC: Actress Issa Rae threatened to cancel her HBO show “Insecure” if Melania Trump liked the program, so the first lady’s office called her bluff.

On Wednesday, the spokesperson for the first lady’s office, Stephanie Grisham, responded, “Alert: FYI @IssaRae, @FLOTUS likes your show! @HBO @PageSix @glamourmag @theinquisitr.”

The comments came in response to Rae, who shared in an article published Tuesday with Glamour, how she felt the day Michelle Obama told her how much she loved the Season 2 finale of the show in 2017.  more here

I don’t know who Issa is, and I don’t care, but I know Stephanie Grisham is hilarious.

17 Comments on Actress Issa Rae Threatens To Ax Her Own Show If Melania Likes It — The First Lady Calls Her Bluff

  1. I didn’t know either, but I googled a short video. Her “I axed you a question” is not pronounced and jarring…..

    Frankly, I suspect that Melania was just joshing her. ….Lady in Red

  2. Haven’t a clue who Issa Rae is. But I have to wonder if she is another one those actresses who promised to leave the country if Trump were elected, but didn’t follow through on that either.

  3. Wait. I think I just realized why she did this.

    Blink September 5, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    Haven’t a clue who Issa Rae is.

    That’s why.

    No such thing as bad publicity.

    Are you a nobody that wants to be noticed? Start a fight with the biggest kid on the playground.

  4. I never heard of the show or the professional pretender but apparently she likes boob belts if the show is about fashion. The Trumps and their staff are indeed top notch at trolling libs.

  5. She’s one of those young black women who thinks she is better than anyone else because she is black. Hates her country though in the U.S. blacks can rise to the top in every field.


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