Actress posing as gender-confused girl prescribed testosterone within minutes at Quebec clinic – IOTW Report

Actress posing as gender-confused girl prescribed testosterone within minutes at Quebec clinic

The video, released by Radio-Canada, features an actress posing as a 14-year-old patient at a Quebec clinic being prescribed testosterone and consulted about surgeries after merely 9 minutes.

12 Comments on Actress posing as gender-confused girl prescribed testosterone within minutes at Quebec clinic

  1. I guess if I wanted some good sized tits I could get an estrogen prescription but instead I’ll keep my boy parts just as G-d gave me and I don’t need some psyche drug to tell me otherwise.

  2. I guess simple abortions are no longer enough to satisfy their blood-lust.

    In about 10 years, attorneys are going to make a fortune from the class-action lawsuits against these monsters.

  3. Wife and I are finding this same “Style” with dentists and eye doctors. Did you know there are $600 eye drops? And $2000 root canals? The last straw: Wife finally found a Gyn. $375 lab fee on top of the $150 office visit for a basic checkup. Another $99 Rx that she took 1 pill. Right away wife knew something was wrong….that Rx for her cramp? Was a SSRI by one of it’s many pseudonyms. Fake Doc never told her it was a psych med!
    So that was IT. No more Docs for us.


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