Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me. (Oprah???) – IOTW Report

Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me. (Oprah???)

NY Post: An aspiring actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey and Naomi Campbell to dupe her into thinking he would help her with her career — only to use her for sex.

British actress Kadian Noble said Tuesday she was head-over-heels impressed when she first met Weinstein at an event in London because he was hanging out with model Campbell and had megastar Oprah “swinging off his arm.”

“I thought, obviously, this man has something amazing in store for me,” she said during a teary-eyed press conference in Manhattan to discuss the sex trafficking lawsuit she filed a day earlier against Weinstein in Manhattan federal court.

Instead, Weinstein used promises of career advancement to lure the actress to his hotel room in Cannes, France where he forced himself on her, she said.

“I felt completely played,” she said.​  read more

SNIP: Yeah, this is just like all the other “I was tricked! I was attacked!” stories you’ve heard from Hollywood lately. But that’s not really why I posted the story.  First, doesn’t she look like Michael Jackson during his Joan Crawford stage?

Second, OPRAH? She was over the heels impressed because he was clutching hooves with Oprah?!
Bless her heart.

10 Comments on Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me. (Oprah???)


    You’re saying, that in The United States of America, in the Twenty-First Century, if SHE performs “sex acts” to convince me that she “really likes me”, in the hope that she’ll benefit from that financially, that I’M guilty of SEX TRAFFICKING!?

    I think a need a bro cuddle.

  2. Are young actresses that naive or are they driven to suckceed by any means.
    And when they do the dirty deed, are rebuffed, they sue for the $Millions they think their no talent (outside the bedroom) deserves.
    No better than a high priced prostitute if they get the part or a two bit whore when they don’t.

  3. I’m waiting for the first big scandal to hit a woman. An Oprah etc. Because it will eventually happen. The dems think they’ll be safe picking a woman but what happens if she is accused of abusing her power. Are we supposed to automatically believe the men too?

  4. Jeez, give us a break. You thought he would make you a star, and you sucked his dick and probably did more than that. And when you proved to be the talentless whore that you really are, you cry sexual harassment. These Hollywood whores are really pissing me off with all of the whiny crap they spew. They all wanted to be famous, and they were willing to spread their legs for it, and now, months and years later they are complaining? Absolutely NO sympathy here.

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