Ad Nauseam of Art – IOTW Report

Ad Nauseam of Art

The artist who created this:

Is now making a mess in front of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

h/t PHenry.

22 Comments on Ad Nauseam of Art

  1. master of the repeating pattern backgrounds. wiley’s work sux dix.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Soooo … does a wiley Obola shit in the woods?

    Sorry – don’t get it – never got into that “cult of personality” worship thing.
    (at least not since I was a kid)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Children with crayons are more creative and less gloomy than the products this 3rd rate clown produces. Of course he’ll be fawned over as a gifted genius who’s talent rates with the renaissance masters.
    It’s disgusting how frauds like this capitalize on the lefts urge to elevate any minority for no more reason than that they are a minority.

  4. Obama’s portrait looks like something brought home from grammer school and taped to the refrigerator.
    I hope that ghastly thing hasn’t been hanged up in the capital.

  5. gin blossom
    JUNE 22, 2019 AT 10:39 AM
    “Obama’s portrait looks like something brought home from grammer school and taped to the refrigerator.
    I hope that ghastly thing hasn’t been hanged up in the capital.”

    JUNE 22, 2019 AT 11:18 AM
    “@gin blossom – Which ghastly “thing” are you referring?
    The picture or subject?”

    …I, for one, would be DELIGHTED to see the SUBJECT of that “painting” hung on a lamp post outside the Capitol until the crows pick it clean of it’s Hafrican flesh…

  6. The art masters, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo etc. didn’t have Adobe Photoshop and cameras. Not impressed.
    Also, he’s a typical hypocritical leftist. It’s okay to “culturally appropriate” only if you’re a libtard.


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