Adam Kinzinger Has A New Job: He’s so happy he could cry – IOTW Report

Adam Kinzinger Has A New Job: He’s so happy he could cry

You’ll never guess where.
In a tweet about the announcement, CNN said Kinzinger will be a “Senior Political Commentator.”

13 Comments on Adam Kinzinger Has A New Job: He’s so happy he could cry

  1. CNN moving away from Marxists and Socialists, adding an American GOP Traitor.
    Obviously, CNN is attempting to gain credibility by Hiring a known anti-GOP, anti-Trump, disgraced GOP House Member.
    CNN has not changed, they just changed their spots.

  2. That’s good.
    I figured him to be getting a job that involved hanging around Men’s Rooms in Truck Stops.
    (not that there’s anything wrong with that)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We’ve joked that the obnoxious little jerks that used to get bullied in grade school avenge themselves by becoming politician tyrants.

    This jerkwad needs to get a nuclear wedgie as an adult in full view on the Capitol steps.

  4. Kinzinger has been willing to throw around some harsh words, aspersions really, from his position as a functionary of the federal government. He makes me think of a fellow who will talk in one manner from behind protection and in an entirely different manner when standing in front of his interlocutor.

    In other words, Kinzinger looks and sounds like a classic punk.

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