Adam Schiff, Glenn Simpson and their Forrest Gump-like encounter in Aspen – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff, Glenn Simpson and their Forrest Gump-like encounter in Aspen


The Hill: The new House Intelligence Committee chairman, Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), has proven to be his party’s most effective antagonist toward President Trump. And now, with the new powers of being chairman, he is drawing both new weapons and new scrutiny.

Sometimes such scrutiny inevitably turns to questions of hypocrisy.

Which bring us to the issue of some photographs taken at the prestigious Aspen security conference last July.

They show Schiff meeting at the event with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson, one of the key and most controversial figures in the Russia collusion scandal. Both men insisted to me through spokesmen that they met only briefly last July.

At the time of the encounter, Simpson was an important witness in the House Intelligence Committee probe who had given sworn testimony about alleged, but still unproven, collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Simpson ran the firm hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party to find dirt on Trump in Moscow. He employed retired British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, whose infamous and unverified dossier became the main evidence for the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign, particularly the surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

And by the time of the meeting, the House Intelligence Committee had already received evidence from a senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, that called into question Simpson’s testimony to lawmakers.

Specifically, Simpson claimed he had not begun meeting with Ohr until after Thanksgiving 2016, well after the FBI had begun investigating Trump-Russia collusion and after the presidential election in which Simpson’s client, Clinton, lost to Trump.

But Ohr provided compelling evidence, including calendar notations, testimony and handwritten notes, showing that Simpson met with him in August 2016, well before the election and during a time when Steele was helping the FBI start an investigation into Trump.

When confronted with the Aspen conference photos of Schiff, in sport coat and open-neck dress shirt, and Simpson, wearing casual attire, representatives for both men tried to minimize their discussion, insisting nothing substantive about the Russia case was discussed. more here

14 Comments on Adam Schiff, Glenn Simpson and their Forrest Gump-like encounter in Aspen

  1. This entire Presidential harassment is so whacked and out of kilter it’s got to be criminal.
    Jim Jordan mentioned today during the Whitaker circus, “We investigate crimes, not individuals in this country”. Where’s the crime?
    Flip this thing around and apply it to the Clinton’s. Or Obama, or Clapper. I could continue. We might need some military tribunals. This entire process resembles Nazi Germany more than it does the USA. Look what just happened to Roger Stone.

  2. “The new House Intelligence Committee”

    Which has no real power, no reach beyond media, and is a fucking joke.

    Ignore the idiots. Or make them media superstars. Either choice adds up to exactly jack shit.

  3. “… Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), has proven to be his party’s most effective antagonist toward President Trump.”

    I’m sure this is what keeps PDT up all night!


  4. Adam Schiff has never had a substantive discussion about intelligence or anything else. Just not possible.

    However, he has his own Keystone cops collusion operation going on that’s now been verified with more evidence than any evidence of any fantasized Trump / Russian collusion.

  5. I know Markey pretty well having lived in Massachusetts for my entire life (65 years). His job before he entered politics was an ice cream truck driver. How’s THAT experience. And he’s a fucking idiot to boot. He’s proved it by his latest backing of the latest Child Democrat Dope.


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