Adam Schiff tests positive for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff tests positive for COVID-19

He Tweeted what he was told to Tweet, like the other politicians:

“This evening, I unfortunately tested positive for COVID-19,” he said. “I’m feeling fine, and grateful to be vaccinated and boosted. In the coming days, I will quarantine and follow CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidelines.”
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23 Comments on Adam Schiff tests positive for COVID-19

  1. I hate to use a Disney film quote…. BUT: Sounds like someone’s sick. How lovely. I do hope it’s serious. Something dreadful. Sounds like someone’s sick. How lovely. I do hope it’s serious. Something dreadful.

  2. I assume he was tested with the test that was already proven useless, do to false positives, extremely high multiplier, that was going to be discontinued Dec 31, 2021.
    The stupid c___S_ckers just can’t quit lying.
    Which makes me an extremist.
    I am unable to find the logic.

  3. When will this nonsense end?

    I went to an assisted care facility today to inspect it so I can give a bid on the rats infesting it. Rats in the kitchen, attic, break room, and who knows where else.

    Anyways, the first thing that happened when I was let in was to have my temperature taken by the receptionist and she asked if I had gotten a covid shot.


    And nothing happened after that. I roamed every hall and quite a few areas of concern with the handyman and a manager. I would say 70% of the workers there were not wearing masks. A definite majority and I got no evil-eye from anyone but did get several fist bumps when introduced to some workers, some wearing masks, others not. The handyman was all about getting a firm handshake. I like that guy.

    Why ask me if I got a shot if it didn’t matter?

  4. @Dadof4 April 6, 2022 at 1:33 am

    > Why ask me if I got a shot if it didn’t matter?

    Didn’t matter!?

    Would you want somebody whose IQ made them “get vaxed”, flinging rat poison around!?

  5. Vaxed and boosted, but got the Coof?
    Schitt’s a fucking retard if he can’t figure this out.
    And why is it “unfortunate?”
    ANY politician coming down with a disease is FORTUNATE for America – and doubly so if it’s a Demonrat.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Jabbed and boosted. With what? Saline solution? Or the Pfizer (etc) not-a-vaxx? If with the not-a-vaxx, then when can he expect to see him drop dead?
    What was that John Wayne quote? To the effect, “shootin’s ok, so long as the right people get shot”.

  7. Uncle Al,
    Schitt would kiss them in their assholes – can he spread it that way?
    If so, he might want to spit some up Waters’ ass, too … and that Penguin-looking twatwaffle Nadler.
    By the way – I hope he dies – but I fear he’ll live to be 100.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Die, bitch.

    In other, more negative news, the IPCC has issued a new report on climate “solutions” and sees the next few years as a *critical window of opportunity,* a phrase that should send shivers down your spine. According to Prof. Jan Christoph Minx, from the University of Leeds, and an IPCC co-ordinating lead author: “I think the big message coming from here is we need to end the age of fossil fuel. And we don’t only need to end it, but we need to end it very quickly.”

    Curbing demand is the weapon of choice. Bottom line: you will be compelled to comply via massive cost increases applied to the way you now live (what you drive, what you eat, where you live and how you heat—forget cool, no one but the elite can have AC). A massive social media campaign will be launched to shame everyone who resists and laws may be passed to declare you a criminal if you cling bitterly to your evil, fossil fueled ways. Good times.

  9. *critical window of opportunity,*

    The hippies/Left/Libtards have been saying that for the past 50 years, ever since the first Earth Day in 1970. Global cooling, global warming, climate change (otherwise known as “weather” and “seasons”), peak oil, rising seas, lack of food, hole in the ozone, no more clean water, you name it.
    So, next time you have the opportunity, remember, punch a Commie for mommy!


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