Adam Schiff touched fire – IOTW Report

Adam Schiff touched fire

DC: Congressman Adam Schiff went after the president for his response to the wildfires in California on Tuesday and his argument was promptly disassembled by a journalist.

The president tweeted, “California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean,” on Monday.

Schiff, who has been a constant critic of the president, responded to Trump by saying, “You’ve been in office for 18 LONG months and you still don’t have a science adviser, so allow me to help. Environmental protections have nothing to do with the wildfires in CA. Climate change does.”

Kimberley Strassel, a columnist for Wall Street Journal, tweeted documents to disprove Schiff’s claim. The record numbers of dead trees, according to reports dated last December, have allowed for the fires to continue to burn.  MORE

24 Comments on Adam Schiff touched fire

  1. Hasn’t this issue been discussed for decades? I remember the very same problem of dead trees causing larger fire hazards being raised in the 90s. There was talk of doing more controlled burns over the years. Why didn’t that happen?

  2. “Climate Change” what a joke.
    Globaloney Warming was its original name – until the shysters and con-men discovered that people weren’t as dumb as they assumed.

    Schiff is a shyster and con-man. Who is only in office because he has bamboozled the morons in his district – and the press of CA is a Klown Parade, blowing the whistles and beating the drums for any con-man of the socialist persuasion.

    “Climate Change” can’t cause wildfires for the simple fact that it doesn’t exist. Bad Gov’t policies, however, CAN!

    Schiff is not only a shyster and a con-man, he’s also a fucking liar.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Trumps more accurate here than our so called State Representatives. Notice Trump referenced “Wild Fires”. Notice Schift for Brains, and our brain damaged governor keep mentioning dead trees due to climate change. These fires are not Forrest Fires and not in timber. They are low altitude scrub brush, scrub oak, Manzanita, and lots of dead grass. These are not the first droughts we’ve been through. We had them in the late 70’s and the late 80’s. The wife and I are both native Californians and neither one of us can remember fires like this states experienced in the last 5 years. Something has changed.
    The Timber fires will start happen at the end of this month.

  4. Forests need to burn occasionally – that’s nature’s way of clearing the underbrush and maintaining healthy forests. In the area of the Holy Jim fire in Orange County, I heard estimates that in places there were 6 feet of dead and dry underbrush.

    Schiff and Jerry Brown are beating the climate change drum in order to cover California’s mismanagement of its forests. When I first moved to California many years ago, there used to be controlled burns to clear out the underbrush – these were discontinued. In unpopulated areas, I don’t know why the state is so intent on putting these fires out when they should just be concentrating on protecting populated areas and let nature clean itself.

    Large trees can generally survive a fire and actually thrive thereafter. But the longer the fuel is allowed to accumulate the hotter the fire, and large trees can’t survive these. This is a prime example of environmental mismanagement that does far more harm than good.

  5. When we were allowed to log on our National forests, when the trees were harvested, the slash and under growth were piled and burned (during the wet season). In addition, clear cuts formed fire breaks. Revenue from timber sales were used by USFS to thin the trees and maintain roads used for fire fighting. And the clear cuts were replanted at the expense of the loggers. Since environmentalists have effectively stopped logging, the forests are not maintained, brush accumulates and fires result. Worse yet, after the fires, environmentalists block efforts to salvage and replant.

    So yes, environmentalists are responsible for forest fires

  6. First time I read it I thought it said “18 months and no silence advisor” LOL

    Sometimes I think PDJT might need one, but until I have a few billion in the bank I will defer to the billionaire

  7. The Mendocino fires are actually TWO fires that the gov’t and media are saying is the largest in cal history. Since when does logic tell you that TWO fires are one fire? The media just repeat this bullcrap without question. It’s the epitome of FAKE NEWS!

  8. Adam Schiff, pencil neck geek, grit eating freak etc.
    Sung to the tune of ‘Pencil Neck Geek’.

    Can’t tell which liberal is harder to stomach. The lineup is long and substantial… Pelosi, crazy Bernie, Maxine “Aunt Esther” Waters, Joe Biteme etc.

  9. The obedient taxpaying Public should demand of our betters a preemptive list of what, if anything, CANNOT be blame on this mythical many-headed Global Warming beast they’ve concocted ?!

  10. Fire is a natural phenomenon that has existed for millions of years and has been one of mankind’s most useful tools. It keeps me warm in the winter.

    Politicians have been around for a few thousand years and are pretty much useless. Other than being about 100& responsible for AGW, their hot air has done nothing but make people hot under the collar.

    Which is in more need of control?

  11. Kim Strassel destroyed him with a tweet, it was hilarious. You’d think the idiot would do a little homework before popping off at the mouth but not that lizzard.
    He’s too stupid to realize what happened but the rest of us had a good laugh.

  12. Pine trees need fire to “reproduce.”
    I like how the state doesn’t clear the underbrush but hole-e-schitt, if county officials see you have just one small dried out bush 6 feet from your house, they’ll be at your front door with fines and demand that you remove it. If you don’t, the fire dept. will come and bill you around $6000 when THEY do it for you. lol. Assmonkeys.

  13. If Climate Change is the Issue then all the Liberals in Commiefornia all hold their breath’s! or tape a plastic bag over their heads…. That will do more for the environment!

  14. I read last month somewhere that the Colorado fire was started by an illegal alien. Then “they” stopped reporting on it. I wonder if these California fires are not being deliberately started? I am not excusing these environmental asshole who object to clearing brush and dead trees, for fear of upsetting the spotted owl, ship monks, rabbits, squirrels habitats etc. These vermin can adapt to any environment. They have been since the beginning of time. It’s leftist liberals who can’t adapt! And they are phucking up everything! Check out George Carlin on Climate change on Youtube.
    Plantsman. I forgot the Delta Smelt. LOL

  15. Moe Tom: These Fires in California aren’t burning the Forrest’s at all, mostly houses and a bit of brush and the Ash looks solid whitelike things were Vaporized. It’s a freaky thing to see if you’re a Native, one You Tube video even shows a Tree Burning from the inside out and nothing burnt around it. These are set in some very unique way, many think it’s from the sky above.


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