Adding One Plus One – It Just ISN”T That Hard! – IOTW Report

Adding One Plus One – It Just ISN”T That Hard!

Miami Independent:
Ok, most of us learned this in kindergarten. But a LOT of folks just can’t manage it today.

Every time I read about how a local merchant or town council or group of concerned citizens in a liberal area is upset about what is going down in their community, I shake my head. Has our education system deteriorated to the point where people cnanot do simple addition?


Let’s look first at the most disgusting of the goobers, the officials in sanctuary cities, who cannot do simple elementary arithmetic. Seems it’s NOT, “elementary” anymore, Mr. Watson.

Public figures of sanctuary cities and states are in the news every day lately, whining about their plight. Simple arithmetic is beyond them. HERE’S THE EQUATION IN WORDS: Declare yourself a sanctuary for all, and people will come, especially if everything there is free. Coast to coast, with notable chunks of real estate called Chicago and Denver in the middle, governors and mayors are whining about crime, severe housing shortages, and erosion of their tax base as sane citizens move to safer places. Here’s the equation in numbers:


Eric Adams, mayor of of NYC, has been complaining for months as 130,000+ migrants have arrived in his “sanctuary city” since his President ripped open our borders. Small businesses are closing; historic hotels have been ruined; and the elderly and veterans are being thrown our of their homes to accommodate the motley flow. Crime is over the top and literally uncontrollable. Police have pretty well stood down. Hamas (a large part of the invading army) is demonstrating, killing and destroying property. Detrious — a product of disintegration destruction or wearing away — is everywhere.

Thanks, Webster. Good word to describe sanctuary cities. more here

14 Comments on Adding One Plus One – It Just ISN”T That Hard!

  1. “For they shall sow wind, and reap a whirlwind, there is no standing stalk in it, the bud shall yield no meal; end if it should yield, strangers shall eat it.”
    (Hosea 8:7)

    We refuse to learn.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Did you see the video of the convoy of trucks and busses full of “migrants” blowing thru the AZ checkpoints at 50 mph?

    Not a Border Patrol or ICE agent in sight. Wide open.

  3. Jeez.
    The Hosea quote above was a copy/paste from the interwebs, but I’m pretty certain that “end” should be “and.”

    Brad? CrackerFJBbaby? Anybody know?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Wild Bill SUNDAY:

    people cnanot do simple addition?”

    Or simple spelling!

    Seems it’s NOT, “elementary” anymore, Mr. Watson.

    Or comma usage and famous literature references, Dr. Watson! (-:

  5. In the 60s we were taught critical thinking. Today’s kids are indoctrinated into believing what their communist indoctrinated teachers tell them to think. Those raised in critical thinking could see the perils of Sanctuary Cities and were ostracized. Those who obediently agreed were rewarded. So, Randi Weingarten, (Teacher’s Union President) how’s that working out? Commie bitch. If interested, read THE VENONA SECRETS. The communists had several plans to destroy America from within. Taking over Education was one step in their plan.

  6. hey idiots, 1 + 1 will always equal 2 no matter how hard you try to manipulate mathematical truth. And 2+2=4 and so on, and then there’s the rule of 9’s, 9 times 1 equals 9, 9 times 2 equals 18, 1+8=9 and so forth. Just like the word that God created math is not hard if you follow the rules. If you don’t it will always end in chaos and death and destruction which the left and their master Lucifer rules.


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