Addressing the Failed Agencies of the Federal Government – IOTW Report

Addressing the Failed Agencies of the Federal Government


This is the second in a series that will address the failed agencies within the federal government.  The time has long passed where programs that were started by the political elite, albeit with professed good intentions, be re-examined.  As we all know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  We also know that to continue to throw more money at programs that are failing is just plain stupid behavior.  This behavior also demonstrates the gutlessness of our elected officials by their failure to correct these situations.  This also falls into the category of cruel and unusual punishment of productive American taxpayers.

So Why Address Them?

In Episode 1, the Department of Education (DOEd) was chosen because it was the lowest hanging fruit.  Its performance, or more correctly its inability to perform when compared to other nations of the world, is publically documented.  The only way to fix what’s “broke” in DOEd is to turn the responsibility back to the states that originally built the best education system in the world.  Education is not an enumerated responsibility of the federal government in the U.S. Constitution.

Before additional agencies in the federal government are addressed for sunsetting, there needs to be some discussion to establish common ground for each agency that will be addressed.  Truth and reality are hard taskmasters, but both must be considered.  In the last year, one reality that has come to the forefront is that there an unbelievable level of corruption in the federal government. Unfortunately, individuals of every political stripe engage in this misbehavior.  This corruption is not new, but the knowledge of it can no longer be ignored.  More important, versions of the historic corruption have been condoned for a large part of our American history. read more

12 Comments on Addressing the Failed Agencies of the Federal Government

  1. Whenever there is a discussion about the size and scope of the federal government, you can never go wrong re-reading the preamble to the Constitution, that which communicates the intentions of the framers and the purpose of the document.

    After that, you acknowledge the inherent weaknesses of an entity that has little accountability, is in charge of money not its own, and by its nature is plagued with fraud, waste, redundancy, and incompetency.

    A clear understanding that the farther away the decision-makers are to the people, the less effective it will be in representing their true interests, this is what the founders had in mind and what has been abandoned from the general discourse.

  2. Every time the feds take over any issue, they whittle it down to a single, insignificant, outdated, or stupid variable to measure success, and they wreck everything else in pursuit of that bogus, shitty metric.


    All “health care” is now about COVID. If you have a severe sinus infection, strep, pneumonia or some other potentially deadly acute condition, well too fucking bad because it’s all about COVID now.

    All “women’s rights” are about free access to abortion. Doesn’t matter if there are 100s of thousands of women stuck in human trafficking operations. The important thing is that they can all get a goddamn abortion if “they” want one.

    All “civil rights” is about playacting as if black people still live under Jim Crow even though only a complete moron could believe that is the case. Blacks turning cities to shit with their hateful, racist violence and crime couldn’t possibly be a civil rights issue… Noooooo… It’s the conservatives being just like Bull Conner that’s the real problem according to our idiot federal bureaucracy of “civil rights”.

    Voting rights is now about letting blacks and illegals vote as many times as they want in as many places as they want. The legitimate votes of average Americans are getting in the way of “voting rights” which when applied properly always guarantee the favored party of the bureaucracies always win. Funny how that works, right?

  3. Until DC is dismantled and it’s alphabet agencies dusbanded or scattered to the winds nothing will improve.

    The consolidation of power of the Federal leviathan in one place was the worst mistake of the founders.

    They never imagined that DC would become the center of tryanny but they should have. A continent congress that would meet and then leave annually would have been so much better.

    I was a Ronny Dem 70 years ago. I think the conservative, D, union president said for the first time in 1947 (I’m so old I could read then!)
    “THE GOVT WILL NEVER SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS. … THE GOVT IS OUR PROBLEM. He said it maybe 1,000 times after, including 2 Johny ‘Carson vids posted t IOWT.
    All government agencies are failed
    I do not believe than most “…started by the political elite, albeit with professed good intentions…” Ronny believed, and I still do, that many were started to either line the plutocrats pockets, or to keep the “surfs” control!

    I said I was biased; and as a 9 time Ronny voter, I clearly am a Domestic Terrorist!

  5. You will never be rid of Government Agencies; they provide employment for what would otherwise be called the “underclass” – people who would be on some type of social welfare


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