Administration yanks ads for Obamacare signups – IOTW Report

Administration yanks ads for Obamacare signups

Washington Times: The Trump administration says it has pulled the plug on a batch of Obamacare ads. The move comes in the final days of 2017 enrollment, a critical period for the law.

Customers still have until Jan. 31 to shop for private plans, often with the help of taxpayer-funded subsidies, on the federal website that serves 39 states without their own insurance exchanges, despite GOP plans to scrap the law and replace it with “market-oriented” reforms.

But the new administration’s decision to pull back on outreach underscores how serious President Trump is about erasing his predecessor’s signature law.  MORE

12 Comments on Administration yanks ads for Obamacare signups

  1. “For now, the party is banking on a three-pronged strategy. It plans to gut the law by late February or early March…”

    Hey snowflakes, Trump wants you to know that Spring is coming.

  2. Starving out the competition. Just like starving out the EPA of 800 billion in funding.

    How does it feel to be forced to comply with something you despise, lefty libtards? Eat shit and die.

    I love it!

  3. Good.

    Now make Minnesota give the taxpayers the money (1.23 BILLION) they collected back to the TAXPAYERS!!!

    Instead, they are going to give a big chunk of that to people who earned too much money to qualify for an Obamacare subsidy. WTF? Why can’t you just give the money back to the people who earned it!?

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