Admiral Sunk, Cooper vs. Comey, A Cultural Moment, Pompeo Confirmed – IOTW Report

Admiral Sunk, Cooper vs. Comey, A Cultural Moment, Pompeo Confirmed

[ARRA] by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Admiral Sunk – The politics of personal destruction, a phrase popularized by Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings, has reached a new low. This morning, Dr. Ronny Jackson withdrew his name from consideration to lead the Veterans Administration.

Why? Because a lynch mob on Capitol Hill, led by Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), smeared him with unproven charges. In a statement responding to the allegations, Jackson wrote this:

“The allegations against me are completely false and fabricated. If they had any merit, I would not have been selected, promoted and entrusted to serve in such a sensitive and important role as physician to three presidents over the past 12 years.”

Rear Admiral Jackson has been serving on the White House medical team since 2006. In 2013, he was formally appointed as White House physician by Barack Obama, who repeatedly and effusively praised his service and conduct.

How is it that Jackson was an angel during his entire time in service to Obama, yet now he is the devil? The only thing that has changed is the president he serves.

Among other things, Senator Tester accused Jackson of recklessly prescribing drugs, calling him “the candy man.” He specifically cited prescriptions for Ambien, given to people flying on Air Force One.

But even Obama officials are defending Jackson, saying that it is common practice for staff on multiday trips, “working 16-hour days and going across time zones” to take sleeping aids so they are alert when they land.

During an interview on Fox & Friends this morning, President Trump attacked Jon Tester, and said he would “pay a big price” in Montana this year for destroying an honorable man.

Tester is running for reelection this November in a state Trump carried by 20 points. I suspect Tester will see a lot of President Trump in Montana this year.

Cooper vs. Comey – Last year James Comey told us that he leaked his classified memos to a friend, Columbia Law Professor Daniel Richman. We learned earlier this week that his “friend” had a special employment status at the FBI.  MORE

5 Comments on Admiral Sunk, Cooper vs. Comey, A Cultural Moment, Pompeo Confirmed

  1. Bauer wrote a great line:

    Kayne West has triggered the entire snowflake empire. The amount of hair on fire this week will contribute enormously to global warming.

    …and it isn’t the C02 he’s talking about, it’s the sheer mass of combustible material burning hot-hot-hot!

  2. Cooper has had a huge target on his back ever since he gave a glowing report on President Trump’s health, and had the audacity to credit God for DJT’s “good genes”. Acknowledging the Almighty was the final straw for these atheistic leftist morons, like Tester. Let’s hope Trump’s prediction is correct and Tester goes down in flames in November. Come on Montana, get your shit together!

  3. I saw on one of the stories that General McPeak said some nasty things about him, accusing him of passing out drugs to AF 1 crew.
    McPeak was the general who came up with the idea of making Air Force officer uniforms look like Coast Guard and Navy uniforms with unrecognizable sleeve braids to trplace the traditional bars, leaves, eagles, and stars. That costly fashion statement was cancelled soon after the general retired.


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