Adults stand idle while raging teen dares them to tase her – IOTW Report

Adults stand idle while raging teen dares them to tase her

BizPacReview: A video showing an epic temper tantrum of a black female student at a Texas middle school highlights the problem with schools in America today.

texas middle school temper tantrum

The unruly teenager climbed on top of a table, stomped her feet, and dared administrators and police to “touch” or “taser” her.

“What the f**k are they gonna do, tase my a**?” she shouted, “I wish they would!”  MORE

Snip: If video doesn’t work at BPR, use this link.

46 Comments on Adults stand idle while raging teen dares them to tase her

  1. All sorts of societal things not only protecting her from immediate retribution for her actions but encourages and supports her being like this.

    She’d go down to dirt the first week if SHTF, though.

    Nobody needs extraneous crap like that. It doesn’t put food on the table or help anyone at all.

  2. These are culls.
    In nature, they would be disposed of quickly.
    As we have taken the role of nature by protecting them from her wrath, it is incumbent upon us to take responsibility for continuing existence of our species by removing the from the gene pool.
    Sterilization would be the most compassionate solution.

  3. When I was right out of what little college I attended the strength coach at the JC I was at asked me to help him with some charity work with inner city youts. Mex and Black. He was working with the San Jose Ca. Police Juvenille division. You’d be fucking shocked how fast they can snap to when nobodies dealing with their shit. Maybe one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done.

  4. I remember Metal Class in the Tech. School, the school for idiots, I made a screw driver and a pair of pliers. I also learned welding and soldering, shit like that. In the Carpentry Class I learned math.. Bet I made more money in my life than the average asshole with a degree in women’s history. Not braggin’ Just sayin.’

  5. LBS. Bet today a dangerous weapon like that would not be allowed. BTW we used to love to work in the forge, smelting iron, and forging steel into knives, axes, and so forth. We could also smoke without being detected. Kids today don’t have a fucking clue.

  6. In the 70s, Dallas high schools had student smoking areas.

    Sometime after the shooting teams were no more.

    Shop is where you learn real-life skills.

    Got back in touch with a childhood friend during my twenties. His house was cold because the furnace wasn’t working. The pilot light needed lighting.

    Basic shit people should know about as an adult.

    Everything I learned in shop classes – including drafting – has come to be useful in life.

    I, basically, make my living off of people that either didn’t care about such things and are ignorant of how to help themselves, or don’t have enough time in their busy day to do such things.

  7. What a little snowflake. Ha.

    I’d say, if she had a father that even knows of her existence, to call him and turn a blind eye for the ass-whoopin’ from hell…

    But then, if she knew that was a possibility, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

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