Advisers warned Kamala Harris over political perils of truancy prosecutions – IOTW Report

Advisers warned Kamala Harris over political perils of truancy prosecutions

“I sent a letter out on my letterhead to every parent in the school district, outlining the connection that was statistically proven between elementary school truancy, high school dropouts, who will become a victim of crime, and who will become a perpetrator of crime,” Harris said. “A friend of mine actually called me and he said, Kamala, ‘I’ve got the letter, [my wife] freaked out, she brought all the kids into the living room, held up the letter, said if you don’t go to school Kamala’s going to put you and me in jail.’ Yes, we achieved the intended effect,” she continued with a laugh.

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9 Comments on Advisers warned Kamala Harris over political perils of truancy prosecutions

  1. The funny thing- if she was running as a Republican her ‘tough on crime’ would go over very well. Holding back proof of innocence would not fly so well but the big picture of putting dopers in prison and getting the kiddies back in school would be something to plant your flag on.

    Not so much if you are a Democrat. “Tough on crime” will be the hill Harris dies on. I can’t help to see that as a win for our side.

  2. she has no presence in her person and her voice is annoying, she is boring.
    she will not be nominated.
    but i highly encourage her and her team to spend, spend, spend all the money you can to move forward in you winning battle to become mediocre.
    please and borrow some more from the pruned faced hungarian.

  3. Her hypocrisy (laughing about personally smoking marijuana) and her dictatorial tendencies (I will tell you what healthcare insurance you can have, I will tell you what guns you can own and I will take away those guns I don’t like) will make her unlikable to swing voters.

  4. Racer X,

    To be sure. That is where she gets her base all hot and bothered whereas the rest of us actually see the makings of a tyrant if given the chance.

    The way the MSM is bashing Tulsi I have figured they are all in on Harris. Either way- chaos and drama among the Democrats is noting but good for us. It’s even better with the MSM picking sides and it turns out the side they picked is not what the unwashed libtards want. Therefore, more drama, more chaos and that translates to us to “we need more popcorn”.

  5. ““A friend of mine actually called me and he said, Kamala, ‘I’ve got the letter….”

    Total, only credible in her nutty head, Bullshit


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