Advocate for sex offenders’ rights arrested for sex offence – IOTW Report

Advocate for sex offenders’ rights arrested for sex offence

SonsOfLiberty: The reprobate mind of sodomites is utterly shocking. Galen Baughman, 32, was previously incarcerated and registered as a

sex offender for engaging in oral sex with a 14-year-old boy. He later became a prominent advocate and spokesperson for sex offenders’ rights. Now, Baughman has been arrested for sexting a 16-year-old boy!

Baughman opened the Center for Sexual Justice. Seriously, I cannot even believe I’m writing this. However, on the April 23 weekend, Baughman turned himself in to police after he violated his parole and tested a 16-year-old boy.  more

10 Comments on Advocate for sex offenders’ rights arrested for sex offence

  1. First, they decided to make abortion “normal”. Next up, being “gay” was a genetic thing. That naturally lead to gay people being a supposed minority, thus conferring gay marriage as a “right”.

    Looking forward, the next cut into the fabric of the natural order of established civilization will be normalizing pedophilia. Already, places like the UK are letting 4-year old kids decide which gender they want to be.

    It’s insanity. Mass insanity. It has to stop.

  2. “Married” homos use that as a way to “adopt children”….when what is really going on is a pervert sex-slave trade of little boys – sold by the gubmint.

    Right under your noses.

  3. Charles – it does stop….once the self-destruction has run its course.

    Humanity is too wicked….soul is broken….can’t handle technology. Only uses it to gratify their flesh, rape, torture, slaughter….

    Technology merely exacerbates evil until it extinguishes itself.

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