Afghan Interpreter Resettled in America Shot After Attempting Knife Attack on Police – IOTW Report

Afghan Interpreter Resettled in America Shot After Attempting Knife Attack on Police

BLP: A former Afghan interpreter resettled in California by the federal government was shot and killed last week after charging San Francisco police with a butcher knife and chanting “Allahu akbar.”

In bodycam and surveillance footage, 41-year old Ajmal Amani can be seen rushing two police officers with a knife at a residential hotel in south San Francisco. The Afghan citizen can be clearly heard yelling the Islamist phrase in the bodycam, a development that suggests a terrorist motive in the attack.

Watch footage of the shooting here, which occurred after hotel guests and employees reported being threatened by Amani with the knife. One officer fired a non-lethal weapon at the charging Amani, before his partner fired four rounds from a firearm at the imminent threat. more

13 Comments on Afghan Interpreter Resettled in America Shot After Attempting Knife Attack on Police

  1. One of those “business like professional” Taliban “immigrants” courtesy of Xiden’s twisted cultural exchange program, part of the failed Afghanistan withdrawl.

    Planes full of unvetted, unvaccinated, uninvited Afghanistan terrorists, later bussed to an American neighborhood near you.

  2. I was working in a Afghan Restaurant Today on the snow covered roof fixing the HEAT. (For The LANDLORD as they OWN the equipment)
    The Rude Fucktard Cook came up on the roof to ask me, “who are You?” while I had 2 machines apart and was restoring heat, with one already fixed & running.
    In a FUCKED UP ACCENT & PISSED OFF he said rudely, “are you going to come inside & Fix the heat?”
    I tried to explain to him, “These are the furnaces, they are on the roof, & I AM fixing them.”
    He gets more pissed off,” Are you going to come in and fix the heat or do I have to Call my own Contractor?”

    Now I loose my shit something like this:
    “Listen you fucking Idiot, You do not own these units, You do not belong on the roof, There are very few parts available, and everything you need is in MY TRUCK”
    “FUCK OFF, GET OFF THE ROOF, and Let me Do My Job.
    He keeps going…
    “I will take back the parts and send a picture of you on the roof to The OWNER of THE BUILDING!” I tell him.
    (I took a pic of the Idiot on the roof)

    He left after a few words in his native SHITHOLEISTAN.

    I finished the repairs and pissed as hell, I went hunting for the cocksucker.

    Inside I asked him, in front of the whole staff, What the fuck made him think that pissing off the only guy who could help him was a good idea.
    The Fuck started apologizing like crazy.


    The real issue is that many of these people believe that we are the UNCIVILIZED BAD GUYS always trying to Fuck them, and that is why I got so pissed off.

    I didn’t need to be there on Saturday, His landlord decent, & together we try to keep everything working safe & up to code.

  3. @grayjohn November 27, 2021 at 3:19 pm

    > They left American citizens behind in that giant shit stain of a country to bring parasite scum like this to our home.

    Oh, stop lying. So, so..o, badly.

    No, zero, not a single, American was “left behind”. No more than a hand (alright… double hand) full of Americans were even there.

    All The United States’ mercenaries (who call Americans “enemy”, as does The United States) were pulled out. In a safe and timely manner.

    All the Afghan traitors (who had sold out their families, their neighbors, their nation… to offer aid and comfort to the The United States’ mercenaries attacking, looting, and raping their families, their neighbors, their nation) that were deemed further useful attacking, looting, and raping Americans were pulled out. In a safe and timely manner. (Along with those Afghans said traitors insisted be brought along, as a signing bonus.)

    The Afghan traitors who had not proven evil enough to be promoted to the front of the line, were prioritized as time permitted.

    Those that felt they could better rule in the hell they’d created, opted to stay behind. Some of those that wanted to attack Americans with them are (still) unhappy with that decision.

    Those that had not proven their value to those that rule The United States, against any and all The United States label “enemy” (this, the current, day) were sent to the back of the line.

    Those who have United States’ citizenship were given it as a signing bonus to betray their families, their neighbors, their nation. They are not, nor have ever been, American. (Just like those who gave it to them.)

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