Afghan staff at US Embassy losing hope of rescue: Report – IOTW Report

Afghan staff at US Embassy losing hope of rescue: Report


Afghan staffers at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan are losing faith in their chances of getting evacuated from the country, according to a State Department diplomatic cable obtained by NBC News .

The cable, sent on Saturday, revealed that Afghan staff at the embassy were told to go to the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, where the U.S. military is leading the evacuations.

The staffers had been warned to expect difficult conditions, “however no one anticipated the brutal experience that occurred,” the cable said. Afghans said they had been hit, spat on, and cursed at by members of the Taliban near the airport.

Some staffers said they had nearly been separated from loved ones, while others said they had collapsed in the rush of people.

“It would be better to die under the Taliban’s bullet” than face the crowds again, the cable said, quoting a staff member, while another said, “Happy to die here, but with dignity and pride.” more

White House Doctors the ‘Read out’ of Joe Biden’s Call to France’s Emmanuel Macron to Make It Look Better Than It Was.


To the stunned amazement of most Americans, as the Afghan misadventure melted down last weekend, President (so-called) Joe Biden disappeared from view. He made no public appearances for about three days until he emerged from an undisclosed location on Monday morning to make a rambling and incoherent statement–the first of several he’s made since then–and disappear again. He didn’t bother to call any of our allies until Tuesday morning when he called British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Consider that for a moment. As Afghanistan went pear-shaped because of decisions made exclusively by Biden and the nincompoops surrounding him, he did not communicate with any of the nations who have squandered blood and treasure as junior parties in this debacle.

Two days later, Biden got around to calling French President Emmanuel Macron. I’ve made more than my share of jokes about the French, but while US military commanders have our troops cowering inside Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport, French commandos, along with British Special Air Service and Special Boat Service troops, have been pushing into Kabul to round up the civilians under their protection and escort them to the airport. more

9 Comments on Afghan staff at US Embassy losing hope of rescue: Report

  1. “Happy to die here, but with dignity and pride.”

    Dignity and pride.

    Pedo wouldn’t know dignity if it bit him, and probably hates people that have it because they make him look bad.

    No shortage of misplaced pride in Pedo, but it’s all unearned and even in his demented state, he knows THAT, too.

    Which just makes him hate them all the more.

    how to die, Nero. In death…
    “These people know how to die, Nero. In death you will squeal like a hog!”
    “Quo Vadis (1951)

    …change “Nero” for “Pedo”, and it pretty much sums it up…

  2. If TPTB didn’t want this shit show parade, we wouldn’t be having it.

    The only possible reason I can come up with is Biden has just about reached his expiration date.

  3. If this wasn’t so freakin’ sad it would be pretty comical. Truly an inept/bumbling administration at work.

    They are handing out blank VISA’s. How many ‘Tolly Bon’ will be living on American soil (and tit) by the end of the evac??

    We are so screwed…

  4. I have no concern for the Afghan staff of the former embassy, Boris Johnson or mealy mouth Macron.

    My only concern, which “should” be Biden’s, is the retrieval and transport of all “American” Citizens from Afghanistan, immediately. Don’t wait for permission of the Taliban.

    This falls on Biden, his incompetency and failure created the massive debacle Maybe General Mediocre Milley can pull himself away from analyzing White Privileges and reading Marx long enough to do his F-ing JOB !!!
    By the Way while you are leaving Afghanistan, destroy (blow-up) the Embassy, every American outpost, artillery, Helicopters, Jets, Humvee, MRAP, arms depot and ammunition dump, you worthless POS.
    With these actions you may be able to assume a small amount of honor for doing the right thing after all.

  5. I am sad, embarrassed, ashamed, mad, you name it I feel it right now that I actually agree with terrorists while reading this.
    The Taliban are scum of the earth. I’m not real sure though that our fellow Americans who are leftists, which is pretty much all democrats and many Republicans are much farther up the rung than the Taliban.

  6. Embassy staffs have a lot of non-spooks and non-politicos. Secretaries, typists, cryptologists, plumbers, electricians, AC guys, painters, &c.
    You can bet the big shots got out while the gettin was good – natural for cowards.
    Those who got left were the non-connected, low-weights – in other words, the expendables – insignificant collateral damage.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This benefits China who has their eyes on the Afghanistan resources and are probably calling the shots.
    Then there’s arming our enemies that we thought we were supposed to be destroying.
    And all that military equipment will have to be replaced, must be the broken window theory?

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