Afghan war sees its longest span without a US combat death – IOTW Report

Afghan war sees its longest span without a US combat death

Stars and stripes: KABUL, Afghanistan — Sunday marks the longest span between U.S. combat deaths of the nearly 19-year war in Afghanistan, even while fighting continues between the Taliban and U.S.-allied Afghan government forces.

Enemy fire last killed U.S. troops in the country on Feb. 8 — 232 days prior to Sunday. Previously, the longest period between combat deaths was in 2016, according to Defense Manpower Data Center figures.

The break in U.S. combat deaths follows the signing of a U.S.-Taliban deal in late February, in which both sides said they would refrain from attacking each other.

“The Taliban have adhered to the commitment largely not to attack U.S. personnel and U.S. forces,” Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S.’s top negotiator with the Taliban, told a House hearing Tuesday. more

12 Comments on Afghan war sees its longest span without a US combat death

  1. obama and the democrats sent our sons and daughters into war while tying their hands behind their backs. We could have made a big difference in the lives of those people if obama and the democrats had not been traitors. May obama, et al., burn in hell. Burn in hell!

  2. I could never understand our interest in Afghanistan, a world sewer, in my opinion. It is also the graveyard of empires.

    It’s totally landlocked, with few resources. The men are murderers and goat fuckers, and the women have faces that would stop a clock. The main export seems to be cocaine. To the Russians, it was potentially a road to the Persian Gulf, and the British did not want that happening. It’s all 19th century dead politics.

    So what was in it for us? Nineteen years there is nineteen years too long.

  3. Burn the poppy fields from 50,000 feet with B-52’s.

    Do not risk any western world lives. If you are in the poppy business it is the risk you take.

  4. Remove all troops now…from Afganeeeeestan now.

    Let someone else fight over hard to get to resources (in the mountains) and DRUGS in the lower land fields. Let the Chino Coms give it a go now…

    We need to defend our OWN ‘property’…right here, right now, NOT there.

  5. there are over a billion $$$ worth of rare earth minerals, that we know of, in Afghanistan. these minerals have highly specialized uses in modern weaponry & defense armor

    when we leave, the afghan tribes will just start killing each other because they have no foreigners to kill, as they have for millennia. the CCP & Russia will swoop in like birds of prey for the spoils

  6. The abundant resources in Afghanistan are not cost effective to obtain. It would take billions of investment to install the infrastructure. Where is a country that has been at war since recorded history and still has a active rebel insurgency going to obtain funding?
    My son has served two tours in Afghanistan and two in Iraq. He says Iraq is a virtual garden spot compared to Kabul. Other contractors that I worked with in Iraq took positions in Afghanistan in 06 after our job completed. None of the three stayed for a second tour. These were guys’ that are used to hardships and the dangers associated with working in war zones.
    The American taxpayer has spent billions of dollars and way too many lives attempting to stabilize this worthless country. It’s long past time to leave.


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