Afghanistan: The Taxpayer Money Pit – IOTW Report

Afghanistan: The Taxpayer Money Pit


Patriot Retort: Sharyl Attkisson’s “Full Measure” tackled the systemic waste, fraud and abuse in Afghanistan.

And it’s a sobering, infuriating report.

While Democrats in Congress clutch their pearls over five billion for our southern border, taxpayers have been sinking hundreds of billions into the money pit known as Afghanistan.

And for what?

Give this a watch. You’ll be spitting nails. But it’s a story that has to be told.


15 Comments on Afghanistan: The Taxpayer Money Pit

  1. Sad. And in the last two Obama years, at one US agency — HUD, probably the most corrupt civilian agency in the government — about $60 billion “disappeared.” How do you “lose” that kind of money?

    And, now, Nancy Pelosi screams that not one dollar will go for a $6 billion, small-ish “public works” project: The Wall.

    Optics, optics, optics! ….Lady in Red

  2. I might look the other way regarding the money, which of course I can’t, but to think of the thousands of Americans who have lost their lives or have been forever maimed and scarred in that shit hole country is unforgivable.
    We should have dropped nukes on that place on 9/12/2001. That’s the only way to get through to the muzz savages. Eradication, not nation building.

  3. And the refugees we get from there are top notch. As are the Afghan police and soldiers who turn on their trainers over there, or go AWOL from their training over here. So sick of “Invade the World, Invite the World”.

  4. I am now mentioning it to everyone I talk to because I see no rational, political way out with this culture. And it is the one and only, final, civilized vehicle that can stop this destructive, Federal machine. I remind people to remember that when the crap flies in all the big cities and half the states have to be immediately bailed out in Round 2 of the ‘great financial crisis’ (approaching).

  5. It’s not our war, not our natural enemy. We’ve been manipulated into fighting the enemies of a very, shrewd and influential tribe that has been in control of our gov’t for over 50 years now.

  6. If we would have let the military do what it does best…. Kill people, break things, we could have cleaned out Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in short order.

    But, Noooooo….. We had to follow the ‘Rules of Engagement’ as set forth by the politicians. Case in point…. Marcus Latrell’s SEAL team were more worried about the lawyers, instead of the Taliban.

    Years, lives, and money were wasted at great cost. If soldiers are sent in harms way…there should be no restrictions.

    General George Patton understood this.

  7. A drop in the bucket compared to obama’s ‘quantum easing’ flooding of TRILLIONS of dollars into — no one knows where… (Well, we do: into the pockets of democrat donors and politicans.)

    Our country is now the most corrupt that any free nation has ever been.

  8. It was at best a bad mistake 16 years ago. Has been a disaster for the last 15 years. The orders from DC have made it clear we never wanted to win! For the sake of our men get out! $ not as important as American lives!


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