AFL-CIO union boss Trumka Says Trump Better Than Obama on Trade – IOTW Report

AFL-CIO union boss Trumka Says Trump Better Than Obama on Trade

AFL-CIO union boss Richard Trumka was interviewed shortly after emerging from White House following high-level meetings, telling a reporter that President Trump is “better on trade” than Barack Obama and that the White House is “working hard” on the issue.

“Mr. Trumka, I see you were just meeting at the White House. How is President Trump with labor?” asked a journalist from the Gateway Pundit.

“We’re working hard,” replied Trumka.

“Is he surprising you? Is he maybe better than you might have thought?” asked the reporter.

“We’re working hard on trade. Yeah, he’s better on trade than what we had, for sure,” said the liberal union boss.

When pressed whether the current administration was better for the American worker than the Obama White House, Trumka simply replied, “Yup.”  more here

SNIP: Somebody go wake John McCain and tell him… Ah what’s the point? He won’t remember, and what he does remember he lies about.

11 Comments on AFL-CIO union boss Trumka Says Trump Better Than Obama on Trade

  1. Wife is watching the interviews on CNN International, everybody
    in the neighborhood is a muzzie. I’m thinking overcrowding and

    As for trumka that fat POS just wants more union dues.

  2. Dick Trumka is a fucking asshole. He’s not worth the air it takes to support his morbid mass. Investigate this union rat and you’ll find organized crime screwing the workers he represents.

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