African Cardinal: Affirmative Action Is ‘Racial Discrimination’ Like Apartheid – IOTW Report

African Cardinal: Affirmative Action Is ‘Racial Discrimination’ Like Apartheid


South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier slammed preferential “Black Economic Empowerment” as “racial discrimination” Sunday, saying such favoritism smacks of apartheid.

Cardinal Napier, the archbishop of Durban, wrote on Twitter that Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment and even Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment are all forms of racial discrimination “on a par with apartheid policies” that also favored another group by race.

The cardinal put his assertion in the form of a “Lenten Resolution”: to give up on trying to figure out how preferential treatment for blacks based on skin color can be anything other than discrimination. read more

7 Comments on African Cardinal: Affirmative Action Is ‘Racial Discrimination’ Like Apartheid

  1. We all know… but he isn’t supposed to say it out loud. Blacks love that the shoe is on the other foot. Only whites were stupid enough to let that power go. No other ethnic group on Earth would have relinquished it. And what has it gotten us? “Equality” goes against nature…. Do antelope tell Lions that they are equals?

  2. C’mon man! It’s impossible for black people to be racist and it’s much harder for liberals to be fair-minded or right about anything no matter their color!

  3. Tell a lie often enough….

    It’s almost amazing how blackmail, bribery and/or threats can help change the course of history.

    It is also very, very sad.

  4. Some years ago I taught programming to some classes of (mostly) negroes.

    Without a doubt, the “African-American” negroes were lazy, worthless, uninterested, and apathetic.
    Whereas the “African-African” negroes were tireless, inquisitive, interested, and energetic about the learning experience.

    And they looked similar; in fact, it was only through accents or a look at the roster that you could distinguish the “African-American” from the “African-African.”

    Africa is a shit-hole. But it seems that the more Christian Catholics and the more dedicated students are those who have escaped that benighted continent.
    Africa could produce much greatness if not for their tribalized governments and pervasive ignorance.

    Look for great things out of Africa if she ever shakes off her tribalisms.

    izlamo delenda est …


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